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Friday Feedback



Nerd Babble

“Switch in the wrong direction…” oh my, that does sound bad.

We use VLANs for isolating network traffic. Our switches will happily forward all VLANs as on all ports. So a tagged VLAN on port 1 will be transmitted to port 2, if port two responds with an answer on the VLAN. It all just works.

The new switches are configured so that all the ports are in “access” mode. Access mode means that VLAN traffic does not move across the switch. All of our testing showed that the new switches would just work.

They did, for the primary, untagged network. Unfortunately, the new switch is “smarter” and refused to forward VLAN traffic.

The idea of a port in “access” mode is that you can plug an IoT item, think security camera, into a port. All traffic from that port is then forwarded as VLAN traffic, by configuration. This means that the IoT item doesn’t need to support VLANs nor do you have to configure it.

By changing the ports to the correct setting, things just started to work.


“We are the government, and we are here to fuck things up.”

I’m getting some back channel reports that things have gone kinetic down in the disaster area. These are good ol’ boys and they understand the three S’s. Shoot, Shovel, Shut up.

My reports say that looters were hitting some communities. The looters have gone missing. SSS.

It is unclear if the looters in question had government ID.

The number of reports of the government messing things up down there is growing daily.

The latest story was of one of the helicopter teams having rescued an elderly couple attempted to get them checked into a local hotel, outside the disaster area. They were turned away because there were no vacancies.

The hotel was filled with government employees.

The pilot was talking about how they had been living out of their trucks so that there was room for those that needed it in the hotels.

Seems the government is not as thoughtful.

Pay careful attention to the words coming out of the puppet and his handlers.

They appear to have deployed 1000 men to the disaster area. They are claiming that these 1000 men are joining 6000 men already on the ground at work.

Yes, there are 6000 military men on the ground, getting the job done. They are volunteers there as citizens, not as government employees. They are not under the command of anybody in the government.

Don’t trust what the MSM says, don’t trust what the government says. Verify everything. Don’t trust my words, check for yourself.

Ally suggests TikTok. I’m using X.

Iran, the Target

Watching my feed blowup over the last 48 hours regarding Iran’s open attack on Israel has been mind-blowing. Hundreds of accounts showing the same footage of explosions in the distance while claiming huge victories for Iran.

Israel’s ability to wage war was not affected. We know because of the targeted strikes carried out Thursday night.


Does anybody have firsthand knowledge of what’s going on down in the disaster area?


3 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. So there is some misinformation coming out of the south right now. They are *not* bulldozing Castle Rock, and the town meeting that is said to have happened, did not. Several citizens (displaced but alive and well) of the area have said it’s something some random idjit put up to get views. The word that I got, about truck tires being slashed, seems to be fiction as well. I only heard it from a couple of folks, and none of them had seen it themselves, and folks who are there are saying it isn’t true.

    Right now, I am believing “boots on the ground” more than the news, although that is not entirely the fault of the news. News crews are not being allowed into the disaster areas at all, or weren’t until yesterday. NY Post managed to get people in, finally, and I think CNN bullied someone into allowing them in as well. The other news networks seem to just be repeating what they’re hearing from the gov’t or online.

    People who live in the area are saying that FEMA is actually helping in some places. The problem is that FEMA has mandates not to set up in areas where they themselves become casualties, and they have to account for every dollar. Hence why people have to apply for assistance. It’s bullshit, but it’s somewhat understandable. FEMA itself isn’t the problem. The problem is that some jackboots with pointy hats (authorities) have taken it upon themselves to stop first responders and volunteers. From those in the areas affected, the problem is a handful of people, *not* FEMA as a whole.

    The Army and Nat’l Guard are there. There are the big double bladed helicopters bringing in generators, water, food, and medical supplies. They can’t land, but their fantastic pilots are allowing them to do precision drops as they find people. The good thing about that is that I doubt our Army and NG folks are going to put up with anything they consider to be illegal orders. If folks aren’t getting necessary stuff, I have faith that our men and women in uniform will make sure that the problem makers are removed.

    “Civilian” run helis are dropping supplies, and evacuating people as they can. A lot of the problem is that there’s not a lot of places for these guys to land. When they can, they do, but most of the time they just can’t. They’re dropping shipments of water, food, baby stuff, and medical supplies.

    Luckily, a lot of the people who are up in the worst affected areas are also people who are intelligent and resourceful. They’re banding together, pooling food, fuel, shelter, and help. When helis or mule packs show up, they let the rescuers know where the “real victims” are, and often offer food and shelter to the people who have been working balls to the walls for a week now. Appalachian folk are tough birds, and they’re neighborly.

    I have also heard through the grapevine (unconfirmed… this is word of mouth) that armed folks are meeting up with convoys of supplies outside of the gov’t sanctioned areas, and giving safe passage to the trucks coming in. They’re telling people who are arriving with supplies to tell the authorities that they live up there, and to just go on through.

    There’s a level of truth to not wanting unprepared people going up into the hills to “help”, though. This disaster is making Katrina look like a light spring rain. There are thousands dead. They are running out of body bags. They have refrigerated trucks coming in to hold the bodies they have recovered, and there are bodies stuck in the mud and silt that may never be recovered. Think Passchendaele. 🙁

  2. Alicia Schubert
    This is probably a unpopular opinion.
    Being apart of donations for a long time now, please *be cautious* when donating to FEMA, TEMA & Red Cross.
    They are the go-to for donations for a lot of people, but they also keep money, & they keep donations. They do not give donations to everyone in the same areas that you think you are donating to. They will give out X amount and keep the other donations for the “next” disaster.
    When donating please be sure your donations are being given to people in need.
    Churches WILL accept and hand out the items.
    I know several churches in the effected areas currently that are a command post for giving and receiving donations.
    If you choose to donate to Red Cross, FEMA/TEMA, or take supplies up and see a donation post- please ask for a badge. They WILL have a badge if they are truly them.
    Its already being shown with “them” refusing donations currently when donations are in fact NEEDED.
    I will be doing donation pick ups also if anyone would like to donate and can’t meet.
    I can send a list of items needed via residents in the areas.
    Im also working in sessions going with session fees being donationed similar to what we do at Christmas where we take X amount of our payments and buy dinners and Christmas toys for families.
    This will probably go on through our Christmas sessions also this year as this deviation will last a while. 🤎

  3. The Thing That Didn’t Happen –
    Here’s the top of the CNN website at 10:30 am PT, October 4 – Top of the front page at the Daily Beast – New York Times – Politico – The Huffington Post

    There was no hurricane. There was no flooding. Some right-wing extremists are spreading conspiracy theories about some kind of supposed disaster, but no actual event has occurred. Also, Liz Cheney is very very very important.

    Meanwhile, the President of the United States was asked about “the storm zone,” and he initially replied that he didn’t know which storm zone the reporter was talking about, before saying that everything is fine there and everyone is very happy.

    Now, compare all of that to a report from the ground in North Carolina.

    Darkly fascinating. Citizen, there has been no disaster. Not even sure what you mean!

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