Author: Chris Johnson
SCOTUS Watch Snope and Ocean State Tactical
Not what I intended to write about. The Court has surprised me, again. Snope and Ocean State Tactical are both distributed for the conference of 2/21/2025. We will near nothing about these cases before then. This puts these cases on track for arguments in the new term. Those oral arguments could be as early as…
The United States of America v. New York State
You might have heard that the DoJ is suing Hochul and James. This is not quite true. They are being sued in their official capacity. So the Governor, Attorney General, and head of the DMV of New York state are being sued. What is the suit about? New York will give a license to illegal…
4D Chess?
Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake., Your enemy is not stupid. In 2016, I was listening to Ben Shapiro, he had a hate on for Trump. He would often say something to the effect, “The people who think Trump…
Tuesday Tunes
If you watched the DOGE commercials on Sunday, you might have been exposed to a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Here is a slightly better version:
State of New York v. Donald J. Trump (25-cv-01144) S.D. New York
This is the case out of New York’s Southern District, under the Second Circuit. The Second Circuit is anti-gun and anti-“The People”. The Southern District translates to New York City. If you can find a pro-gun or pro constitution judge in the Southern District of New York, you are doing better than most people. The…
Every piece of information the government or military processes has a classification level assigned to it. Currently, the federal government lists four levels of clearances that are associated with classification levels. The other level is “No Clearance”. Information that is classified as “Confidential” could cause damage to national security if disclosed. Note the weasel word…
Exercisings the Powers
If you have had the misfortune of listening to the democrats rant about “constitutional crisis” or “illegal actions”, it is time to take a long hard look at what Donald Trump is actually doing. I believe that one of the problems that Trump 1.0 had was that he came into office thinking it was another…
We Can’t Help Winning
Being a little short of ideas today, I went to the well again. X never fails to deliver. I have seen so many lists of Republican wins that when this showed up in my feed, I just read it. And what I read sounded like a win to me. I went to see which of…
Another Win: Protecting Second Amendment Rights
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered: Section 1. Purpose. The Second Amendment is an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty. It has preserved the right of the American people to protect ourselves, our families, and our freedoms…
Tick Tock, The Clock is Done
The amount of grief I’ve put up with to get this working buggers imagination. To have a NTP stratum 1 server, you need to have a certain set of capabilities. First, you need a stratum 0 device. This is an atomic clock or a GPS receiver. You need a method to communicate with the GPS…