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Friday Feedback

The blog has now been moved to a temporary server. I hope that it will be more stable. I have to move the citation server. Once that is moved, GFZ and Vine Of Liberty will be free of K8S.

I have a few other websites to move, but I am making great progress.

In the Supreme Court of Mass acutes, we had a Second Amendment win. They found that knives are arms under the plain text of the Second Amendment. As such, it was the government’s burden to show that the current regulation, a ban on switch-blade knives, was consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulations.

The state did not meet their burden, the law is facially unconstitutional.

There have been a few more wins at the district court level.

In many circuits, the district judges are applying Bruen faithfully. This led to a cascade of wins for the Second Amendment.

It is at the circuit court level where most of the clown show exists. The Fourth, Ninth, Seventh, and Second come to mind.

Answering the question of the fastest way from sheep to cap, socks or tunic. The answer is to knit them. It is but a short time to get from clean fleece to yarn suitable for knitting with.

The comments are of course open.