Feedback box

Friday Feedback



The DNC held their convention this week. The level of hypocrisy exceeds even my expectation.

The left attacked Trump’s kids, Bush’s kids, Palin’s kids. It was always “OK”. Some idiots on the right pointed at Walz’s kid, and the left is having a meltdown over how evil Republicans are.

I don’t remember walls around the RNC. They have walls around the DNC and hotels where attendees are staying. Besides the business owners that boarded up their stores for the week because of “mostly peaceful riots”, there are businesses that are inside the DMZ where people can’t go without IDs. They are losing money.

The lies are never ending. Policies are still unstated. And Kamala promises to fix all the issues on day 1. Issues that she and the Muppet that is residing in the White House haven’t fixed in the last 3.5 years.

I’ve started to dig through some of the cases that have been going on. It has been hard as I’ve been in “learning mode” for the last two months, interrupted by trips home to see my father.

Dad is back in intensive care. My brother doesn’t think he will make it to Christmas. That will be hard.

Thank you to everybody who is still here. It is a bit disheartening to see how many people no longer visit regularly.

So again, thank you.

We are currently looking for somebody to social engagement on X. The auto post doesn’t work, and the share doesn’t seem to put the image or anything else interesting.

I think there are maybe 4 followers of @vineofliberty on X at this point.

If you are interested, please reach out to us at

If you were one of the regulars and are just stopping by, please leave a comment as to what caused you to leave. I know we aren’t Miguel nor J.Kb.

Have a great weekend!


12 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. I still be lurking here in the woods of Maine.. I don’t really see much difference in here from the “old” page. good people goid postings. Ive been getting away from “social media” more and more.

  2. Joseph L. Roberts Avatar
    Joseph L. Roberts

    Neither my wife nor I have left Y’all. We have both followed you to the Vine.
    We have followed Miguel as well. FWIW-I have passed on the Vine to some of my correspondents.
    In full with the URL, I passed on the last FBEL – Burning the Country to family and friends.
    We think Y’all are awesome. Thank Y’all for what you do for us out here.
    PLEASE keep up the good work.

    Please feel free to write back during your copious amounts of spare time 😉

    1. This is the wife. 🙂 I would like to say that I particularly like Allyson’s contributions. She’s an easy read, gives a fresh slant on issues with her experiences, and being a historical re-creationist myself (medieval) I enjoy reading about her skills and how they are useful in modern life. Love Miguel, and still follow him, but life goes on and I wish him all the best. Vine is filling in the morning reads nicely.

      1. Hi Kat! 🙂 I do medieval and Viking, as well as 18th century LOL… Used to be a very avid member of the SCA, but some of the politics got me down, so I mostly do Birka and GNEW now. I find a lot of the skills I’ve learned “for fun” really do translate well to emergency situations (long or short term).

  3. Tantiv V Avatar
    Tantiv V

    Still here. I don’t go on ‘X’ very often. Raises my BP to an unhealthy level and I mean that literally.

  4. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    Still here, reply occasionally. It’s harvest time in my garden, busy with outdoor work and getting in a bit of shooting practice before hunting season. Also transitioning to Geezerhood!

  5. K9 Operator Avatar
    K9 Operator

    Love this site and check it regularly. Don’t do X or any other social media. Keep up the good work, it’s appreciated. Comment only if I feel like I have something worthwhile to add.

  6. it's just Boris Avatar
    it’s just Boris

    Still here. Maybe not commenting as much … but that’s true of me in general, not just here. Busy at work, wanting to tone down a little of my online “presence” (such as it is), etc. And besides, oftentimes when I get here, what I would have said has already been said. 🙂

  7. Birdog357 Avatar

    I only visit the site when I want to comment. I read it in Inoreader every time there’s a post.

  8. "Lee N. Field" Avatar
    “Lee N. Field”

    Followed you on Twitter/X. (New to the platform. I find it often a cesspool of horrible people.)

    Engagement — there’s a lot of stuff I try to follow. Some of it sometimes falls away, and it’s a while before I notice.

  9. BraulerBob Avatar

    I’m still here and just followed you on X. Like many of the others who commented, I am not very active on social media, so you are one of the few I am actively following. For those of us who followed you here, a hearty thank you for all you do.
    I am saddened to hear your dad is back in the hospital. I lost mine long ago, much before his time, and still have a hole in my heart because of it. My prayers are for you and your family.

  10. Thorsthimble Avatar

    I’ve come back regularly. I just don’t comment often. Even over at GFZ you could the number of comments I made on 1 or 2 hands. I just tend to fly well under the radar. You know the old saying. It’s better to stay quiet and be thought of as stupid than it is to open your mouth your mouth and remove all doubt. So I just lurk for the most part.

    And I do sympathize with you. I lost my dad in late January, and It hit me like a 25 pound sledgehammer. Especially because it was so sudden. He had stomach cancer, but up till his passing, all signs were pointing towards him being perfectly fine. That was exceedingly difficult, and there still are days where it comes back around and kicks me right square in the ass. So I truly do hope things turn around for your father.