Hello, I’m me – an introduction post.

An introduction

If you’re coming here from GFZ, you may already know me. Over there, I used the nickname Hagar, because I was very unsure about posting when AWA first asked me to do so. I’m certainly farther left than most people reading this blog, but I’m definitely not “Left.” I’m not “Right” either, though I do seem to be drifting that way on many issues. I spent a lot of time over on GFZ looking into how the Left perceived things, and tried to explain it to everyone here, to foster communication and learning. I will continue to do that here on Vine of Liberty.

But… I’m also many more things. I’m a re-enactor, specializing in the late 14th century England, and 18th century America. I’m an author, with several books and many articles under my belt. I’m a cook, which is reflected in both my re-enacting and my writing. I’m an interfaith minister. I suspect that, now I’m openly myself, I’ll write more about all of those things here on the blog. If there’s a topic you’d like to know about, let me know and I’ll see if I or someone I know has information. If you want information from the Left, I’m happy to provide, if I can.

I love to start conversations about tough topics, and so I tend to read and respond to replies relatively quickly. I have a long-standing personal rule that I don’t interact with certain types of replies, though. People who do name-calling, fat shaming, or are generally dicks, I simply don’t respond to. If something goes over the top, I might let AWA know about it, but most of the time I just don’t respond to it. You’re welcome to your thoughts, and I’m welcome to ignore them. 😉 As an example, I don’t respond to posts about “Obumma” or “tRump” or other bastardizations of presidents’ names. A long time ago, someone explained to me that people who use such rhetoric are generally doing so because they lack the intellectual oomph to go head to head, and so I don’t embarrass those who do it by engaging them. Just my little bit of community service.

On the other hand, politely challenging my viewpoints will almost always get a response out of me. I love to learn, and so if you’re giving me an honest challenge, I will do my best to rise to it and educate myself. I won’t always agree with others, and certainly don’t expect people to agree with me all the time. But I work very hard to present factual information, with opinions being clearly labeled as such.

I’m a staunch 2A gal. I’m a staunch “separation of religion and state” gal as well. Religious freedom is a big one for me. Because I spent my childhood in Canada, I know the woes of socialist healthcare, and so I definitely am not a fan of Obamacare. I am very much a sincere and devout convert to my new home country, and I love America very much. I’m part of this blog, and was part of GFZ, because I see the harm that the “great divide” between Left and Right has caused and is causing, and I want to do what I can to help heal it. I realize the writings of a random woman on a small blog in the middle of New England really isn’t going to do much for the country as a whole, but it’s what I can do, and so I do.

headshot of allysonYou will probably see a lot of posts about myself and the Fort at No. 4, because it is an important part of my life. I love teaching history to people, especially in a setting where those who come through can touch and taste and interact with that history like they do at the Fort. I believe making history come alive is the secret to making it interesting for kids, and so I patiently churn butter and make fried bread and teach the school groups about building fires in the beehive oven. I try to make it fun, which automatically makes it interesting.

Another thing you’ll probably see from me, if people are at all interested, is stuff about prepping. I tend to look at prepping as more “how to live comfortably without internet, electricity, running water, and central heating” than “bunkers and MREs.” That’s reflected in my hobbies and my interests. I have many subjects to touch on, from making lye from wood ash (which I’ll actually be doing at the fort, at some point this fall) to washing clothes by hand. Again, if there’s something in particular that interests you, let me know and I’ll either write about it, or find someone who does!

So there you have it. I’m me, Allyson, and I was Hagar. Nice to meet you all. I’m kind of happy to get out from under the shroud.

who is feeling at peace today.


9 responses to “Hello, I’m me – an introduction post.”

  1. Birdog357 Avatar

    I for one am interested in posts about your reenacting and prepping.

    1. ribeye Avatar

      Likewise. I’ve been getting a little into 18th Century crafting myself lately.

      1. Oh fun! What kind of stuff are you making? I’m working on making myself some jumps at the moment, which are sort of a lightly boned mash up between a corset and a waistcoat. LOL… Very comfortable in hot weather, though. It was acceptable for a “working woman” like myself to wear them over a chemise and petticoats, and that was fine.

    2. So noted! 😀

  2. Jay Bee Avatar
    Jay Bee

    Very interested in prepping and reenacting posts, the two share some common ground. Plus I’m a history geek, have always lived somewhere that has suffered nature’s wrath and at one time was a civil war reenactor.

    1. Jay Bee Avatar
      Jay Bee

      I forgot to add, pleasure to meet you Allyson!

    2. I was at the Fort over last weekend, and we were under a massive threat of tornado. Several formed in the area, and one touched down within 30 miles of us. Several friends were worried about me, and I just pointed out that I was in the only place for miles that had two inch thick wooden shutters protecting the glass in the windows. *grin* I doubt we’d have noticed if we lost power. While there is power in a few places in the fort, most of it is without, and where I was, that was the case.

      So yes, there’s a huge crossover between prepping and reenacting. I always say, my reenacting kit is half my prepping kit.

  3. CBMTTek Avatar

    Hi Hagar/Alysson. (I like Alysson, it is a good name)

    Thanks for the intro, and you are not left, you are liberal. The leftists are authoritarian and oppressive, you are neither. However, you would end up sitting on the left side of the political aisle from a policy standpoint. Remain liberal, do not go leftist.

    And, keep up with the info on re-enactments, prepping, and all of that. I appreciate it. Also, every post from the left side of the aisle is appreciated. Too often, we assume what other folks are thinking, or their motivation. Your perspective is very welcome.

    1. Bob behind enemy lines Avatar
      Bob behind enemy lines
