Blog Status



Ok, Ok, I know it’s not there yet. Thank you so much, everybody, for your support.

Base functionality is here. I’ve done no theming yet. I had all the security plugins up and running before the site opened. I’m working towards getting the rest configured.

  • The site is supposed to have an edit option. I think there is an issue with the ingress configuration which is stopping that.
  • There is no store yet.  There will be soon, donations will be available there and on the sidebar.
  • I’m accepting images for the banner.  I am terrible at that sort of thing.  What I would like is something similar to the current American patriot with mask, tricorn hat, AR-15, defending a vine growing in a desolate location.
  • I need to set up some cross blog feeds.  I am not sure how that works.
  • I will be pulling the PDFs from GFZ and having a PDF here.  I will add my collection of FMs, and firearm blueprints.
  • I will be pulling all of my past postings from GFZ and adding them here.
  • Email is mostly working, except for mine.  *Sigh,* nothing is easy.
  • There is likely to be some sidebar advertisements.  I get a few gun related ads regularly.  Putting something in the sidebar to help offset costs doesn’t sound horrible.  Please let me know your thoughts.
  • I am soliciting articles.  The requirements are simple, you have to have registered on the site.  The article needs to be provided in a word type document (Word, LibreOffice, Google Doc, etc.). It cannot be a sales article. You have to answer, “What is your favorite cartridge?” in the submission.
  • The subscriptions will be back as soon as I figure out how.
  • The posting schedule is 0630 Eastern Time, USA for me, plus random postings.

Thank you again for being here.


3 responses to “Blog Status”

  1. it's just Boris Avatar
    it’s just Boris

    Thank you, AWA.

    Nothing against some relevant ads, if it helps; my main objection to them is when they take up enough of the screen that they make reading awkward, and can’t easily be dismissed without actually winding up opening the ad.

  2. it's just Boris Avatar
    it’s just Boris

    Hey, look at that – one thing is fixed from the previous site.

    You no longer need to use a non-blank character (e.g. “.”) to have a “blank” line between paragraphs! Victory!

  3. Jay Bee Avatar
    Jay Bee

    I have no issues with sidebar ads. They can be done without being obnoxious.

    I do hope Hagar’s reenactment/living history posts continue here.

    Again, thank you.