Tuesday Tunes

Guest entry by Allyson/Hagar:

A couple of decades ago, I was volunteering at a pagan festival. Among other things, my then-boyfriend and I were doing some singing and entertaining (he played guitar, and my voice was still not too bad, back then). We were attending the planning meetings, as one does, and offering ideas.

The organizers made a statement that the festival was going to be vegan. I commented that, while I agreed that provided food (included with the ticket) could be vegan (which can usually be eaten by most people), we knew plenty of meat eaters who were coming. We should each be allowed to bring whatever food we want, and if it contains an allergen, just sit away from people who might be harmed by it. We were voted down, of course. The organizers decreed that no meat or animal products could be brought on site (let’s not talk about the leather in their shoes or anything like that). I was irritated, not because I need to eat meat (I happen to enjoy vegan food at times), but because I didn’t think it was the place of the organizers to be dictating the food choices of others.

After talking it over with the boyfriend, we decided to perform this particular song, without mentioning it to the organizers.

We were given thunderous applause when we were done, by every person except the one organizer who’d been behind the food fiasco. Even the resident vegans thought it was hilarious. The organizer just looked grumpy. I felt much better. Heh!


5 responses to “Tuesday Tunes”

  1. THIS is a great example of the mindset of some- I don’t like that so NOBODY will be allowed to either…
    control freak behavior.

    1. The example I provided, or the song/ I rather liked the song. It made for an interesting coda at the event. *grin*

  2. CBMTTek Avatar

    Human nature. If one thinks it is a good idea, they do not want anyone to say otherwise. And, the better they think the idea is, the more pushy they get for it.

    And, worst of all is when they turn their “ideals” into part of their very being. As an example, the vegan that insists on pushing vegan lifestyle on everyone. Telling them that not everyone wants to be vegan is an attack against their very being.

    Great song. That was a good way to get a few zings in on the self righteous.

  3. pkoning Avatar

    A fun way to mess with vegans who want to be annoying is to ask them why they aren’t Jain.
    I had to look that up when I went to a south Indian restaurant some years ago, where everything is vegetarian, much is vegan, and a fair number of the dishes is marked as “Jain”. Previously I only knew that as an Indian last name and a religion.
    Indeed it is a religion. The basic idea is that you should not eat plants that are dug out of the ground, which might kill grubs and worms. So spinach and beans are fine; potatoes, onions, and garlic are not.

    1. I actually respect Jains more than the average vegan these days. That said, my boyfriend is vegan, but respectfully so. He doesn’t care that I eat meat or hunt. Hell, he’ll hunt with/for me if I ask. He just can’t eat it himself. He wears leather, is a staunch 2A guy, and is all around amazing. He’s just not an animal product eater. *shrug* He is, imo, the ideal vegan.

      I believe that all things in the universe have … soul, for lack of a better word. That includes plants, animals, humans, everything organic basically. This doesn’t mean we don’t eat. I happily murder carrots and bunnies with equal levels of respect for life given, and then cook ’em up in garlic sauce. 🙂