
2 responses to “Yep”

  1. Curby Avatar

    in my world I don’t care what you eat or don’t eat…. vegans want the whole F’in world to change to suit them and their closed off minds. what ever happened to “mind your own business”???

    1. pkoning Avatar

      In fairness, that isn’t true for all of them. Some of our family are vegans; they don’t try to change anyone, certainly not us. When they visit (rarely) they tend to apologize all over the place for making us change our dinners to accommodate them. As it happens, we don’t mind, since it’s not an every day thing and the food comes out fine.

      I also worked with assorted vegan people from India, who are likewise not at all into pushing their notions on others. At least one of them is a Jain, which is a variant of vegan that’s even more restrictive. That one happens to have a religious background, which is also true for many Indian people though not necessarily other vegans or vegetarians.