Friday Feedback

I am so pleased that Ally has stepped up her postings. It helps me keep going.

I’ve had way to many 503 errors recently. This is the service is temporarily unavailable error message.

At issue is a resource allocation problem. I’ve added a couple of new sites to the mix, added a mail service, and suddenly, there aren’t enough resources to go around.

There are two fixes, more hardware, or to reduce the load. I have reduced the load somewhat, I’ll be reducing it still more.

The issue isn’t even that the pods are dying. That I can work around with replicas. It is that an entire node is going down. When that happens, it is 5 minutes before the node is fully up and all the pods repopulate.

On the great news, Miguel has found a place to post his thoughts. It is good to see him posting again.

From a personal perspective, I know that it seems like it was just one tweet that killed It isn’t.

Miguel ran out of go juice for the blog over two years ago. He wanted to kill it then. J.Kb. and I asked if we could take over his baby and he agreed. Over time, the site morphed from Miguel’s baby to something else.

I’ve read remarks about how GFZ was so much worse, once I started posting regularly. That’s fine. It hurts at one level, but I realize that I am not Miguel.

One of the things that I have noticed, is that there isn’t a Vine of Liberty “voice” yet. I’m working towards it.

We are still looking for more guest posts. Poor Elrod was the first victim. His well-written comment was promoted to a front page post. I hope he takes it as the compliment I intended it to be.

Which leaves the two questions of for the day:

1) What one thing is missing from the site which you want back, right now? And no, you can’t just say “Miguel”, I’ve already told him that I want him here.
2) What topic do you think is in line with The Vine of Liberty, which isn’t being covered?

Thank you for being here, it means a lot.


3 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. Curby Avatar

    imo keep doing what yall are doing. maybe explain the court cases with “normal” english instead of lawyer speak heh.

    1. Taking your comment in mind, I attempted an “English Translation” today. Is that more of what you are looking for?

  2. Elrod Avatar

    I was honored to be “the first victim.” I’ve re-read my comment and noted about 20 changes I should have made…I’m glad it worked. And I’m glad The Vine is succeeding (at least it seems that way to me, but I’m not the one wrestling the behind-the-scenes configurations).