Hello and Welcome



For those of you coming from GunFreeZone.net,  thank you for following us here.

Miguel has kindly allowed us to forward GFZ to The Vine of Liberty.

The story of why GFZ shutdown is below the fold.


J.Kb was responsible for the Twitter/X account and in generating engagement.  In a moment of frustration, he posted something that was so egregious, Miguel shut him down, shut the site down.

The longer version will be posted after I talk to Miguel and J.Kb.


20 responses to “Hello and Welcome”

  1. hh465 Avatar

    Good luck!

  2. Looking forward to the new effort.

  3. I expect to be dropping by fairly regularly. Hoping most of the comment section will be turning up here.

  4. John Fisher Avatar
    John Fisher


  5. George Avatar

    Got you in the RSS feed. Looking forward to more of your court anaysis.

  6. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    That was fast – thank you!

    I am curious, how did you arrive at the name?

    1. Hagar and I spent around 4 hours tossing names at each other. I think we tried around 50 different names before we hit on Vine of Liberty. It just felt right for the blog. We do have “UnrestrainedLiberty.{com,net,org}” for sale, if anybody wants it.

  7. BobF Avatar

    Sorry to hear of the GFZ demise and don’t understand the need to kill it, but happy to be here. Great hopes for the future.

  8. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    Looking forward to good things from these blog. Love the name!

  9. B.Zh Avatar

    present. thanks for keeping on. Sad to see that the reason Miggy finally threw in the towel, but it was bound to happen some day. Glad to see the rest of y’all over there. Please ‘open up’ comments to those of us who don’t have or use WordPress accounts… you kno, the lurkers..

    1. It should be available. I couldn’t start work on the blog until I had the name. I didn’t have the name until noon. I wasn’t at a computer to do the install until 1600. I’m running as fast as I can, attempting to get everything working right.

  10. Jay Bee Avatar
    Jay Bee

    Good luck Awa and Hagar!

    Obviously it’s very early and much needs to be discussed and planned. Has any thought been given to the PDF library and patches? I don’t know who has them but I wouldn’t mind buying one as an early way to support the site.

  11. K9 Operator Avatar
    K9 Operator

    Glad you’re carrying on. GFZ was a regular read. Glad you guys are keeping your perspective alive.

  12. Scrappycrow Avatar

    I’m looking forward to this new iteration!

    Perhaps I have missed it somewhere, but is there a procedure to subscribe?

  13. Bob Bob Avatar
    Bob Bob

    I wish one of those boomer haters would give us a try, I believe they would turn into a puddle of jelly. Big mouth no ass.

  14. Thorsthimble Avatar

    What happened is a bummer and a shame, but it is what it is. I’ll miss the old blog, but I do understand Miguel’s reasoning. Especially if you understand where he came from and what he went through while he was there.

  15. Bob behind enemy lines Avatar
    Bob behind enemy lines

    Came here from GFZ. Sorry to see it go. I’m subscribed and bookmarked. Looking forward to the new blog. May it soar like an eagle (bald of course).

  16. Question: I understand Miguel is shutting down GFZ — will he have an account to contribute here if he feels like it? Or has he truly hung it up for good?

    Or is it too soon to say?

    1. He has an account already. If he chooses to post, he can.

  17. Tec's Dad Avatar
    Tec’s Dad

    Glad to see this, I have bookmarked and will check back daily