Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by stupidity
, Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
, Your enemy is not stupid.
In 2016, I was listening to Ben Shapiro, he had a hate on for Trump. He would often say something to the effect, “The people who think Trump is playing 4D chess are wrong.”
I think I liked his analysis better when he was anti-Trump. He is all in this time around.
I do think that Trump was attempting to play chess during his first term. Unfortunately, people kept taking his pieces and knocking over the board. He lost.
Trump 2.0 is moving fast. He is moving so fast that the left can’t keep up. We can’t keep up. I wake up, go on X and look for what happened in the last 8 hours. And I’m often surprised.
As Second Amendment activists, we know exactly how the game will be played. We know that states that are anti-gun are going to pass regulations to infringe on The People. We know that the rogue lower courts will rule in favor of the state. We know that any relief will be blocked. We know that it will take years to get even one case decided.
Since June 2022, we have not seen a single 2A win. Every win in the lower courts has been halted at the circuit level. Every “temporary restraining order” has been upheld against us. Every preliminary injunction has been stayed, against us.
We have not won a single battle yet.
That doesn’t mean we aren’t winning. It means that this is a war, not a battle. We have to fight. We shall go to the end. We shall fight in the Ninth, we shall fight in the Seventh and Second, we shall fight in the Forth, we shall fight to the Supreme Court. We shall never surrender. With apologies to Winston Churchill.
Trump 2.0 came into office with a bang. The left was working hard to show a “peaceful transfer of power”, so they could club the right with the events of J6th.
But Donald hit the ground running. I believe he signed over 200 Executive Orders on his first day. Held multiple press conferences and attended a ball. I’m tired just thinking about his day.
There were surprises in those Executive Orders. The biggest for me was that everything was done right. When he announced the formation of DOGE, I was skeptical.
I “knew” that it would be challenged and DOGE would be devolved because it didn’t come through Congress.
I was wrong. He out played me as I looked over his shoulder. He didn’t create DOGE out of thin air. He renamed an existing agency. He then told the new agency to go do their job, with Elon leading it.
The promises he made, I expected to take months to accomplish. He was keeping promises within minutes of taking office. And not in ceremonial ways.
He issued an Executive Order giving the US AG 30 days to report what to do about the anti-2A situation within the Federal government. Last month, I would have considered this to be a shot fired over the bow of the enemy. I would have expected results sometime in late 2026.
Today, I expect the report to hit his desk in 20 some days. I expect actions to happen the same day. This is the speed that Trump is moving at.
As I said, in the Second Amendment advocacy space, we know what is going to happen. How do we know? We’ve seen it too many times in the past.
Trump 2.0 is out playing the left in so many areas. Why should I assume he messed up with these court cases?
When the state is fighting The People, they want things to move as slowly as possible.
The case in New York was filed at 9pm on Friday. The TRO was in place by 1AM Saturday morning. The TRO was modified by 5PM Monday.
Having set out the limits, the Trump administration has provided documentation to the court by 4PM on Tuesday to make sure that DOGE people will still have access. They have taken the “loophole” opening and driven a train through it.
They are obeying the letter of the TRO while doing what needs to be done. They are preparing to take this to the next level.
I believe they will attempt to combine multiple cases from rogue courts, headed by political provocateurs. These combined cases will be taken straight to the Supreme Court.
To put a since of speed on this, the case I’m following is averaging 10 new docket entries per day. At this pace, I should be tired of this case in the next 2 days.
3 responses to “4D Chess?”
Problem being that the obstructionist judges who make the bad rulings in the first place, can easily choose to slow-walk the case if it remains under their authority.
You have a point, Trump 1.0 was trying to play chess, without realizing the Left was playing with 3 Queens and no King, and kept knocking his pieces off. Trump 2.0, on the other hand, is going Blitzkrieg and simply moving too fast for the Left to respond.
Trump 1.0 had a plan, but as the saying goes, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” Trump 2.0 also has a plan, but he got everything in place and enacted before the Left knew what hit them.
However, I’m still skeptical that the “Protect Second Amendment Rights” EO is even half the victory all the gun groups and writers are claiming. Two problems in particular stand out to me:
1. It has an extremely limited scope, focusing on the Biden Administration’s actions only, and not Trump 1.0, or Obama, or either Bush, or Clinton, or any of the past century of steady 2A encroachment.
2. It directs AG Pam Bondi to create a list of 2A violations as she perceives them, and given her history of supporting and defending anti-gun laws — up to and including “Red Flag”/ERPO confiscations — I don’t believe her opinion on what constitutes a 2A violation will be the same as yours or mine.
While I hope to be pleasantly surprised by the results of this EO, I won’t be celebrating it as a victory until I see what happens with it next month.
4D chess? How does that work? Do you include time as a dimension?
Seriously though. President Trump made a few bad assumptions in his first term. He assumed the people in the agencies that received his direction would not actively fight against it. He was wrong.
So, he came into his second term ready to bypass any of them. That is why the Anti-DIE EO said close the offices immediately and place the employees on paid leave. If they are not working, they cannot undermine his efforts.
You have a point about Pam Bondi. While she is not an avid supporter of individual gun rights, she is a solid supporter of the rule of law. I would be willing to see our fight against the anti-gun people continue for a few more years, but get lawfare out of the system. We will continue to get wins. (And some losses).