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Friday Feedback



Snow Blowers

I’ve moved away from having any 2-Stroke gas-oil mixtures in gas cans. I don’t use enough of it. I purchase it in one gallon tins. This means there is never a question as to the right gas can to use to feed a motor.

We have a few gas cans around. Unfortunately, the one with gas for the mower and snow blower lost its spout cap.

This means that dirt got into the spout. When we filled the mower and snow blower, the dirt got into the machines, which required a carburetor cleaning.

They also replaced a cable and such. In their nice warm workshop. Then the blower got wet. Water got into the cable housing. The temperature drops. Water in cable housing freezes.

Now I have a running blower, but I can’t engage the augers.

Thank goodness for propane torches. It only took a few moments to get it defrosted enough to move. I’ve poured oil into the cable housing in hopes of displacing the water. I’ll find out later.

Wicks Burn Too

The last time I went to use the kerosene heater, it wouldn’t work. I need to replace the wick. If you run the heater until it is out of fuel, it consumes almost no wick. But if you extinguish it by dropping the wick, it will smolder and consume the end of the wick.

I have spare wicks, but it is a messy, smelly task to replace. Fun for tomorrow.


It is astonishing to me to hear Democrats screaming that Elon is unelected. Yes, he is unelected. And he is doing this president’s bidding.

Just like your unelected bureaucrats do your bidding.

He might not be on the government payroll, but he has just as much right to do the bidding of the President as any other unelected bureaucrat.

He’s looking at classified data!

So what? If that data is classified, then the people who are looking at it have the proper clearances and the need to know.


The issues they keep raising, “we don’t know what he’s doing!”, and “He’s going to use YOUR sensitive data!” are non-starters.

Look, this guy is the wealthiest person in the world. If he were to “steal” every penny I have, it wouldn’t make a noticeable change in his wealth.

I trust him a hell of a lot more than I trust an unelected bureaucrat.


You can’t make a stratum 1 NTP server for less than $75. The board, the GPS, the antenna, the case, and the power supply all add up.

I believe I can make and sell a clock for around $150.

Reporting On Trump

It really isn’t going to happen here. Something happens at noon. I write about it at 2100. It is published at 0630 the next day.

And there is an entirely new thing Trump has done.


The Court is still doing work. They are still issuing orders. An interesting set of Orders came out Thursday night.

The Acting Solicitor General (Trump person) asked for the briefing schedule in some cases to be held in abeyance. In all five cases, the Court said, “No.” This means the cases will proceed as originally scheduled.

We still have not heard anything on Snope or Ocean State Tactical.

I expect to have the cases denied with one or more statements. The other possibility is that the Court might decide to issue an opinion without briefings or oral arguments.

They do this when they GVR a case. Normally, they tell the inferior court to do the case over in light of some recent opinion.

What if, and this is just hopeful wishing, the Court decides they don’t need to hear the cases? What if they feel they can write an order?

We know that the plain text of the Second Amendment is implicated. The two cases got here by the inferior courts twisting words to say that “assault weapons” and “magazines” are not arms under the protection of the Second Amendment.

The Court has the power to vacate the inferior opinions and order a new opinion.

We live in interesting times.

Question of the week

If you could afford it, would you book a state in Trump Tower, Gaza?


8 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    Re cables, perhaps try Dri-Slide? I used to use that stuff on motorcycle control cables and it worked quite well.

    Re classified data, there are many types. Then there is CUI, or “controlled unclassified information,” which is as the name suggests not classified as such, but still should be protected from casual dissemination. Think, social security numbers, other employee data, etc. I suspect what many people are calling “classified” is actually this sort of thing.

    Edit: here’s a link to an AmmoLand article with an image showing a document marked to indicate CUI: https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/leak-shows-atf-continues-to-disregard-court-orders-on-frts/

    Re Trump’s pace, it is interesting to see how far inside the Progressive OODA loop he’s gotten.

    Re your question, if I ever go to Gaza it will almost certainly be at the behest of my employer, and thus likely require adherence to the State Dept-established per diem limits. (At least I think it’s State for foreign; within the US it’s GSA.) I estimate the likelihood of a Trump Tower Gaza being under per-diem as, oh, being killed by a single random neutrino on February 29th. So … No. Probably not.

  2. snowblowers are ok for small areas, but way too slow for large driveways. I got a 7 foot manual angle plow for free, welded the mounts in the bucket of my 1710 Ford tractor. works exellent and fast. all the caterwaullin by liberals is like Charlie Browns teacher- white noise… its ok when thier guy does it to us… shut. the. fuk. up. PS- I don’t care.
    if I could afford a trip to Trump tower I would use the money to buy the town I live in and kick everyone I don’t like out of it… no desire to get on an airplane and go anywhere..

    1. pkoning Avatar

      Little walk-behind snowblowers are slow, yes. But my Kubota tractor-mounted snowblower is about 6 feet wide, and it does a driveway about as fast as a snowplow.

      1. does it? 6 foot is a good size. most tractor ones Ive seen operating are going sssssllllloooowwww.. I think maybe the operator is not goin as fast as they could

    2. CBMTTek Avatar

      I can only partially agree.
      I have an ancient (well by snowblower standards) Honda HS628. Clears a whopping 28″ swath at a time. And, yeah, I could clear my drive faster, but it is fast enough. Driveway has an area of about 5000sf. Not huge, but I certainly do not want to shovel by hand. And, anything larger is just overkill.

      Size the tool to the job.

    3. And for those of us who can’t afford something amazing like you have? 🙂 My snowblower is tiny, only a couple of feet across, if that. It takes me 45 minutes to do “most of” the driveway, and about an hour and 15 to do the entire thing, but we have a HUGE driveway. I consider it my exercise for the day. 😉

  3. CBMTTek Avatar

    Mix all the fuel with 2 cycle oil. It will not harm a 4 cycle engine in any way.

    “Unelected” is just outrage at whatever President Trump is doing. They are grasping at straws, and really, really, REALLY want to catch President Trump doing something wrong. But, instead of being outraged at the clear evidence of wasted taxpayer dollars, they get outraged at the person finding them. Why? Because TRUMP!!!!!

    Curiously, no one got mad at Valeri Jarret, John Kerry, or Robert Meuller. All unelected people doing the bidding of the President.

    Would I book a stay at Trump Tower, Gaza? Sure. Why not? As long as they clear out hamass, and ensure everyone is welcome and safe.

  4. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    Here in WNY (Buffalo, NY area), snow blowers are a must. When my 5 year old 24 in. Husqvarna died the morning of a blizzard last year (shoveled my 30 yd. Long driveway by hand 3x), i replaced it with a 28 in. Airens. I can recommend Airens snowblowers; i previously had a 24 in that lasted 14 years before it went to snowblower heaven. Airens snow blowers are designed to clear snow; the Husqvarna didn’t cut it.

    Proper pre-snow season maintenance is the secret to performance.