Would You Like Fries with That?

Trolling at its finest.

If there is one word that truly does not describe Kamala, it is “authentic.”

Everywhere she goes, it feels fake. Everything she says, feels fake. There is nothing authentic about her.

While people made fun of her for saying she owns a Glock and that ends her description of the type of firearm she owns, I didn’t find that off-putting.

I own a SIG. Lord help me if I know what model it is. I look when I need to. I have a Glock. Which model? I don’t know.

They are just tools. The Winchester Model 94s? Well, they are more history than tools. And yes, they have taken deer and raccoons. The Henry has taken a raccoon. The Rossi R95 has taken raccoons and possums.

It depends on the person just how detail they get with their firearms.

Regardless, I don’t think Kamala is part of “gun culture”. Not first, second, nor 100th generation gun culture.

While my accent changes, depending on whom I am talking to, that is mostly because I’ve had a southern accent in the past, and Michigan, and Wisconsin, and ugh, California. When I’m talking to somebody with those accents, I will slip back into it.

I was talking to a woman from Kentucky the other day and my southern came out.

Ally reported she had a thick accent. I found it pretty tame and lovely to listen to.

Regardless, Kamala is not authentic. If she told me that water was wet, I would want a second opinion and would test myself.

Trump is Trump. This election season, I find myself liking the man. “I don’t think he knows what he is saying” is a great line.

He has been more controlled in his messaging. Attacking their policies and capabilities rather than the person.

On Sunday, Trump kept his word and showed up for work. At a McDonald’s.

They started him on the Fryer, but at some point he moved to the drive—through window. My guess is that it took a bit of work for the Secret Service to figure out how to allow people to get that close to Trump in a vehicle “safely”.

It looks like he had a blast. And the people seemed to enjoy it as well.

And at this point, Trump has more documented time working at McDonald’s than Kamala has presented.


5 responses to “Would You Like Fries with That?”

  1. pkoning Avatar

    I wonder if Kamala actually has a Glock or if she just made that up. Then again, it’s notorious that Dianne Feinstein was a gun owner who wanted to take everyone else’s guns away. So the fact that a politician owns a gun doesn’t have any connection to whether that politician intends to obey the Constitution.

  2. "Lee N. Field" Avatar
    “Lee N. Field”

    Kamala and her Glock I picture two ways, from two popular video clips.

    1)picture her as the thug waving around his Hi Point and saying “this is my glock, this is my little problem solver.” And then cackles.

    2)I also picture her as saying “I’m the only one in this room professional enough..” and shooting herself in the foot. Also ends with her trademark cackling.

  3. CBMTTek Avatar

    The left has turned to image as a way to sell their platform. (What platform? I cannot say) But, you are supposed to vote for Harris because of her pigmentation and plumbing. You are supposed to think the Transportation Secretary is doing an absolutely fantastic job because of his sexual orientation. The undersecretary of health is a mentally ill overweight man, but you daren’t say anything because “bigot!”

    It is all they really have. They cannot run on their accomplishments because… What accomplishments? Have to search hard to find any. But Hillary was going to be a great President because she was a first lady, a Senator, and a Sec of State. But… what did she accomplish in any of those positions? Even Hillary could not list accomplishments.

    In their defense, they have gotten away with it for about 16 years. Ever since we “had to” elect 0bama because of his skin color, and we had to call his Presidency a total success for the same reason, the dems have double downed on the “image.”

    Harris is not authentic in any way. Her campaign is a badly written dime store novel. Without paid “supporters,” media edits, and even AI generated audiences not a single person alive would think she had any support at all.

  4. Jolie Avatar

    Glock, the brand was specifically targeted for banning in California when she was a prosecutor there. Hence the irony.

  5. I’m amazed at the number of people on the Left who have made statements like “Trump was mocking the workers” and “sure, those people got sent home and didn’t get paid.”

    So first off, he wore what any employee would wear. If that’s mocking, then there’s a shit ton of mocking going on all over the damn place.

    Second, yes, the McDonald’s was closed for the morning so that Trump’s people could make sure there wasn’t anyone in the five selected cars who would do something bad to him. They were real customers, but they were pre-selected (can you blame Trump? People are fucking shooting at him). (CBS – https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/donald-trump-town-hall-lancaster-kamala-harris-pennsylvania/)

    I’ve heard several people say that Trump made sure the employees got paid, and that he handed out the McDonald’s orders for free, paying for them himself. I have not been able to find anything that says definitively that he did or did not do either of those things. I thought it was cute, quite honestly.

    The only thing I’ve been able to find about Harris and McDonald’s is that she probably did work there, simply based on numbers. When 1 in 8 Americans work at McD’s at some point in their life, it’s likely she did. The company has made several statements that they *cannot* prove she did or didn’t work there when she was younger, because they simply don’t keep records that long.

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