Being Presidential

I’ve talked in the past about how I didn’t feel that Trump was “presidential” in his first election bid and term. I stand by that. He lost his temper a number of times, was rude and unruly, and generally was not the sort of person I wanted to hold up proudly as “my country’s leader.” Whether he did good things or not, he did not act presidential nearly enough.

In the past month, I have been watching Trump. He has learned from his first term, in my opinion. He’s toned down a lot of the rhetoric. He isn’t being as rude, while continuing to be as strong and steadfast. I can stand behind that. I admit, I still don’t like listening to his campaign speeches, because they tend to ramble. But at least they’re in complete sentences and refer to actual things that happened or might happen, and aren’t fictions like Biden.

On the other hand, we have Harris. Harris has taken things to a WHOLE new level:

You will have to click it to see it, I believe. I am just blown away at even the idea of someone twerking at a presidential rally. Really? The bar has been lowered to the point where we’re all wearing snorkels to avoid drowning. I can’t even.

Trump has his moments. While I appreciated his humor at the Black Journalist interview he did, the commentary about Harris “becoming black” will come back to haunt him (and us). That’s the kind of humor you share at home, and not in a massive stadium. The zinger isn’t worth it. Other than that one-off, I thought Trump did very well at the interview, especially considering the venue. He was polite, he answered their questions even when they seemed to want to talk over him while he was doing so, and he largely kept on topic. I haven’t watched the entire thing, but I’ve seen about half of it in clips. I was impressed. It’s on YouTube in its entirety if you care to watch it.

Then there’s Harris. She’s going on national tv to tell people that she wants him to “say it to her face.” I personally think he probably isn’t debating her right now because she is not THE candidate. That won’t happen until the end of August, at the DNC. She’s running as if she is the choice, but that is not yet set in stone. Her presenting herself as the presumptive choice is bold.

I’m running out of steam. I’m sad at the circus going on. I’m sad to see people that I consider close friends, drinking the koolaid of the left and believing things that are outright lies.


3 responses to “Being Presidential”

  1. tsgt Joe Avatar
    tsgt Joe

    didnt DNC just have some sort of rollcall or vote to make her the official candidate?

    1. They did, but it was after I wrote the post. And the *people* still didn’t get to vote for her. The delegates voted for her. But that’s none of my business.

  2. CBMTTek Avatar

    I agree totally.
    If Trump would just learn a bit of discretion… If only. The “becoming” black comment was particularly egregious. Not because it was not factual, but where and how it was said.

    Now, as to the twerking. I am OK with that. A political election campaign is nothing if not marketing and advertising. And, rule number 1 in marketing is know your clients/buyers, and sell to them. If the Harris campaign thinks they will get more eyeballs on screens using rappers and twerkers, then go for it I say.

    That does not make it classy in any way, but class is not important to the left, votes and winning elections is.

    Final note…
    “…was rude and unruly, and generally was not the sort of person I wanted to hold up proudly as “my country’s leader.””
    No one describes the head coach of a winning team as a “nice guy.” Want to win? Put the A-hole who does not care what you think of him in charge. The faster people realize the Presidential election is about policy and results, and not about personalities, the faster this country can right itself.