
There are many topics which generate strong feelings. One of the things that I’ve learned over the years, is that people on the left can find a reason to hate you and that is it. You can have one “bad” opinion, that is enough to remove you into their subhuman category.

People on the right seem to be more accepting. As some have said, “love the sinner, hate the sin.” We are the big tent side of the body politic.

With that said, I do hope that I do not chase away any of our readers by having positions they disagree with.

  • The Greatest Country: These United States of America.
    Other countries have their strengths as well. America has its weaknesses.
    Regardless, I firmly believe that my country is the best and greatest.
  • The Best Government: Representative Republic
    This is not what we have today. When senators were elected directly by the people, instead of being selected by state legislatures, we lost a great deal of that representative republic.
    Regardless, this is the best of the governments out there. I hope it stays that way
  • The best founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of rights
    Our Constitution establishes the form of our government. It then lists what the government is allowed to do. This is reinforced by the Bill of Rights, expressly denying authority to the government.
  • I am a Constitutional Absolutist.
    This is sometimes difficult because there are evil people who do evil things.
    If the Constitution says it, then that is the law of this land.
  • Trump
    I’ve voted for Trump, twice. I will vote for the conservative candidate this November. If that is Trump, I will vote for Trump for the third time.
  • Abortion: I was anti-abortion and pro-choice. That has changed.
    When my girlfriend told me she was pregnant, she was considering an abortion. I argued strongly to keep the baby, my eldest daughter.
    If my girlfriend had decided on that abortion, I would have held her hand, I would have cried, I would have helped her heal. I would have left her.
    There is an instant in time when an embryo becomes a human. A doctor, whom I respect, told me that he considered that moment to be when there was detectable brain activity. The same as the point of death
    There is a moment called “The Quickening.” This is the moment when life is breathed into the child.
    Amazingly enough, these to moments are nearly the same time.
    Before that moment, it is an abortion.
    After that moment, it is murder.
    If the fetus is dead, then it can’t be murder.
    If the mother kills the fetus before it is removed, that is murder.
    If there is a choice between the mother’s life and the baby’s life, then it is up to the mother.
  • Arms. I think the Supreme Court got it wrong.
    In Heller the Supreme Court defined “arms” as being “bearable”. This is a limit. At the time of the founding, there was no such limit and the word “arms” has no such limit on it.
    The most powerful weapon of the Revolutionary War was the Warship.
    With multiple cannons, boarding parties, landing parties, the ability to carry the battle to the enemy, there was no other weapon that was more powerful
    The People owned warships.
    The People have the right to keep and bear any arm. Yes, that includes Nuclear weapons.
    That is the absolutist speaking. I believe that the inherent limitations of Rights apply here. The Second Amendment doesn’t protect a right to murder. The Second Amendment doesn’t protect a right to store a nuclear weapon where it could cause harm/death to others.
  • The Justice System
    My mentor explained the justice system to me like so: The Justice System is just a system.
    Unfortunately, it is broken.
    John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it. These were the words of President Andrew Jackson
    I do not know how to fix it in a way that cannot be broken worse in the future.
  • Climate Change
    The climate changes. Nobody has presented verifiable data to me, that I can check, that indicates that man is causing excessive climate change, nor that what man has caused, isn’t fixed in a very short time.
  • Biden
    A corrupt politician. He belongs in jail. I look forward to hearing what his official acts were that will protect him.
  • The use of “the law” to punish
    This is called “lawfare.” It has been in use for many years. It goes on today. It is always there for the state to use. Unfortunately, it appears that it is more often used by those on the left.

There are more, but I think that lays it out for the most part. What position statements do you think need to be here, which are not?


5 responses to “Positions”

  1. On board with every bullet point Awa. These convictions are important for me and I am glad to read they are important to you in the same thinking I have embraced over my lifetime.

  2. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    You’re right, AWA. Each point in and of itself is enough to get you unpersoned.

    Discussion, nuance, and the ability to cordially disagree (e.g. and remain friends after) seem to have been casualties of the internet. Or, more specifically, Facebook and similar social media. (Which of course makes this comment somewhat on the ironic side, I suppose.)

  3. K9 Operator Avatar
    K9 Operator

    I agree with you on your bullet points, in my opinion, the most important aspect is personal liberty. Those that endeavor to put anyone that disagrees with them or doesn’t support their utopian plans on an enemies list have no regard for personal liberty, they are merely the useful idiots in service of the controllers. If I were you I wouldn’t waste any of life’s limited time worrying about offending/triggering those that wish to violate your right to state your opinions.

  4. CBMTTek Avatar

    That is where the left gets it wrong every time.

    If a politician is for a strong border, they “hate” immigrants.
    If a person disagrees with forcing Churches to perform gay marriages, then they hate gays.
    If a person thinks woman’s sports should be limited to biological females, they hate transgenders.
    If someone disagrees with welfare, they hate the poor, (or raising the minimum wage.)

    Whatever. If a leftist disagrees with you, it is because you are a hater.

    1. Given recent events, I suspect that shitlibs, demonrats, and quislings are going to be learning what *real* hatred is sooner than they might like to.