Paris is burning?

“That’s a nice business you have here, it would be a shame if anything happened to it.”

For years and years, I was told to shut up and sit down when the Supreme Court made a 6-3 or 5-4 decision. My side lost. Just shut up.

And once I lost, I was told that I couldn’t fight it anymore.

When the left loses at the polls, they run to the court. They can always find a judge to rule the way they want.

I am reminded of the gay marriage fight in California. The people of California were asked to make gay marriage legal in multiple referendums. The people voted “no” each time.

Finally, they got a referendum to modify the California constitution to codify that marriage was between a man and a woman. The voters approved and the California constitution was amended to add that definition.

The left screamed and took it to court. In court, they got a judge to say that the amendment to their constitution, don constitutionally, was itself unconstitutional.

The court literally said that the constitution was unconstitutional.

When the Dobbs opinion was released, the left protested, violently. When Bruen was decided, the left had a violent meltdown.

Every time they lose, it is always because the other side is cheating.

The left is the party that breaks with tradition, to give themselves more power. Then they scream for the very protections they dismantled, once they are out of power.

The odds of Joe Bidden being the next President of these United States is getting lower and lower as the MSM finally stops hiding his abuse.

If Trump were to win, I am afraid that they will burn this country down. It will make the “mostly peaceful protests” of BLM and saint Floyd look like a small corner protest.

They are currently claiming that the Supreme Court has said that the President can murder people and get away with it. That’s not how it works. But it was another 6-3 opinion, which means that the left will not accept the results.

They lost, they won’t accept a loss.


7 responses to “Paris is burning?”

  1. Curby Avatar

    if Trump wins (imo) any riot tried by the left will destroy blue areas. any riot tried in a red area will get squashed.. maybe. I do know America has had just about enough of bidenomics…the hard part is getting Americans off thier ass to go take 10 minutes and friggin VOTE

  2. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    Worldwide, the people are rejecting the Progressive Agenda. The power of the Ruling Elite is threatened; their existence rendered much less viable.

    They are not willing to relinquish their position without a fight.

  3. People who are losers in life, crave power, want revenge, don’t have the power to exact that revenge, so they look to anyone who will promise to give them what they did not and could not, earn morally.
    Enter the Liberal American Democrat Party to save the day. A liberal believes they can liberate themselves and their kind (losers) by a progressive ideology where everything can be fair, equal, and make them feel good about themselves.
    The US Constitution and Bill of Rights was designed purposely to stop liberal democracy from occurring. It was designed to put a stranglehold onto the system of democracy, only allowing for enough air to keep it barely alive so that it could be heavily restricted and diminished so it could be implemented for a short time during the ground-up election time, where votes are cast within a representative two party system, beginning from every citizens front door within every voting precinct within the states, and then presented by state representative coalitions to be counted to determine The People’s Chief Executive.
    The Constitutional Republic System of government is the only liberation in human history to enable people to control their own personal efforts to become individuals who prosper in accordance with their ability to responsibly judge for themselves how to create a life free of government intrusions.
    There will never a “A People” who create a free, fair, equal, life for all because creation itself was not designed that way from the beginning. Anyone who believes this is possible is a victim of the persons who told them it could be true.
    Liberals enslave the ignorant with promises of utopian ideas. There is no paradise, here or in the heavens, there is only the offer to work hard, fail and correct, over and over, for eternity, until it’s done the best way which works for the establishment of free individuals, serving others in accordance with their ability to fix failures.
    Human Weakness cannot be stopped therefore Evil cannot be fixed. We can only work to slow it down by exposing it wherever we find it and fighting it to the death.

  4. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    It is going to be an interesting summer and fall.

  5. Ranger Avatar

    And as our friend, Joe Huffman of ‘View from North Central Idaho’ likes to say,

    “Prepare accordingly…”

  6. CBMTTek Avatar

    The left, like the toddlers they really are, cannot handle losing in any way. Their response is always to flip the boardgame into the air, or take their ball and go home.

    But, when they get what they want, you better just STFU and deal with it.

    And, again like the children they are, they will not actually take any time to examine the facts, and make a decision based on reality. Their first reaction is the only one they will accept. A headline says a President can commit whatever crime they want to with impunity (and absolutely lie) and that is now their rallying cry.

    How much BS, demonstrated bull, did pResident Biden spout in the “debate?” Charlottesville, J6, suckers and losers, etc… All of which have been proven to be false. But, toddlers will not accept their initial belief was wrong in any way.

    No different here. Riots will ensue, the left will get more radical, and eventually violence will happen.

  7. CBMTTek Avatar

    This tweet sums it up nicely.

    SCOTUS: You can’t just throw your rival in prison because you don’t like him.

    DEMOCRATS: So you’re saying we can drop bombs on him?

    SCOTUS: You really can’t even charge your rival with a crime because his presidency made you mad.

    DEMOCRATS: Got it. So we can incinerate his house with him in it?

    SCOTUS: The Constitution protects officials from being terrorized with lawfare for official actions they undertook while in office.

    DEMOCRATS: Ah. Makes sense. So we can officially assassinate everyone we don’t like?

    SCOTUS: Prosecuting a politician because you don’t like his politics would destroy our country, and we’re not going to allow it.

    DEMOCRATS: Roger that. So what you’re saying is: we are officially allowed to eliminate Trump and the Supreme Court as long as we, like, say it’s official and stuff?