Hagar asks: What do they want a woman’s perspective on?

Is there something that you would like to hear her woman’s perspective about? Put your requests down below.

Hagar also asks: What would they like a more left of center view point on?

She is not a left-wing nut, but she is left of center. Ask away.

I hope you enjoyed the three part series about Judge Easterbrook’s history of writing bad opinions. Is that something you would like to see more of?

Finally, there are a couple of cases I want to dig into. Pick your favorites and let me know.


3 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. David Douglass Avatar
    David Douglass

    Since I work with women in the realm of advanced firearms classes, I’d like Hagar to share step by step how she would handle a potential criminal attack in a store parking lot, in the dark, where she has two car parking spaces of distance between her and an absolute threat (man 6′ tall, in shape and walking briskly at her) determined because there are no cars near hers and it makes no sense at all why he’d be walking toward her at the hour in that place.
    Awa, love the “bad opinion.” articles. Find them most useful. Very insightful.

  2. Bad Dancer Avatar
    Bad Dancer

    Hagar mentioned being outdoorsy, as a lady and a self identified lefty how would you view the claims that the outdoors, outdoor stores, and its marketing is hostile to minorities and women? Is this something you’re seeing that I’m blind to?

  3. skinnedknuckles Avatar

    Do you have anything to update on the 2nd Circuit’s hearing in March on appeals to injunctions on NY state’s latest temper tantrum lawmaking? Seems like at SCOTUS’s urging they expedited the hearing but not sure what is reasonable to render verdicts. And unless I’m mistaken this was only on the injunctions and the cases are still at the District Courts for trials? Thanks for the in-depth coverage. IANAL but I’m interested in all species of weasel.