Beest thee of valorous m’ral charact’r

The gist of NYSR&B v. Bruen was that the requirement to show good cause in order to get a CCW permit was unconstitutional.

Of course this lead to weeping and rending of clothing as the left bemoans the streets of NY, MA, NJ, MD, HI, and CA are now going to run red with blood as minor disagreements turn into gun battles.

This never happens. This is the same predictions that we heard in Florida when they became a “Shall Issue” state. It is the same story of impending woe that we heard when any state went “Shall Issue” or even “May Issue” from “No Issue” and again when states went to constitutional carry.

Everytime we get more of our gun rights back, the left screams that the children are going to die and the streets will run red with blood. They wait for the lunatic to kill and then pounce. We watch as the work through dozens of “mass shootings” and “random gun violence” until they get one that sticks.

The left firmly believes that any law or decision that goes their way is set in stone from that point forward and that any law or decision they disapprove of can be fought. “We are going to keep holding votes on the proposal until it passes!” followed by “It is the law! You can’t disagree with it!”

Since they lost the “good cause” provisions of their may issue scheme they are now moving forward with a requirement of “good moral character”. Another euphemism for “may issue.” Who judges good moral character? The government.

Examples given include being arrested. This means that if there is a domestic dispute and the cops arrest both parties or arrest the wrong person and then release that person with out charges, OR if the person goes to court where they are found not guilty, they are still prohibited from getting government permission to exercise their rights.

Another term that is being used is “suitability”. Which means whatever the grantor wants it to mean. I expect we’ll see dozens of cases over the next few years where people apply and are denied based on moral or suitability grounds.

As I said to my Senators “Why do you have ‘work around’ the second amendment? Why can’t you just follow what it says?”


6 responses to “Beest thee of valorous m’ral charact’r”

  1. We watch as the work through dozens of “mass shootings” and “random gun violence” until they get one that sticks.

    And the “one that sticks” is always the rarest of them all — the suburban school shooting — so rare in fact that the numbers are statistical noise.

    They pointedly ignore the most common — and therefore the cause of the most lost lives — which for reasons they won’t disclose almost exclusively happen in Blue stronghold cities: inner-city drug/gang violence. Interestingly, for a party that styles itself as non-racist and friendly to minorities, these shootings they ignore overwhelmingly kill minority youth.

    It’s almost as if they don’t give two s#!ts about urban minority deaths if they can’t be used for political gain, or something.

  2. Divemedic Avatar

    I am sitting here wondering if it wouldn’t be better to apply for a CCW, be denied, and then carry anyway. When you are arrested, challenge the arrest on the grounds that your rights were violated by the requirement that you need a permit that you will never be granted.

    1. it's just Boris Avatar
      it’s just Boris

      I wouldn’t want to be the test case. But it might work, especially if you are (or were) legally able to buy a gun in the first place.

  3. Curby Avatar

    The 2A is the ONE amendment that frightens the power hungry… with it they can only push us so far. Without it they would make covid look like a day camp.. We the People know this.

  4. Nuke Road Warrior Avatar
    Nuke Road Warrior

    The left firmly believes that any law or decision that goes their way is set in stone from that point forward and that any law or decision they disapprove of can be fought.

    By that logic, Brown v. Board of Education is illegitimate, and Plessy v. Ferguson should be the law of the land. Note that it was the democrats and progressives that came up with separate but equal as a means of keeping “Negroes” out of White society.

    1. EN2 SS Avatar
      EN2 SS

      There you go again, Nuke, trying to reason/talk facts to fascists zealots. I never try to reason with retards/libtards.