• Things that make you go “hmmmmmm?”

    Earlier, two law enforcement sources said a man armed with an AR-15-style rifle got inside the FBI building and fired a nail gun toward personnel before he fled in a car.

    Dewalt 20V MAX* 21deg Framing Nailer
    Is this what he shot up the FBI office with?

    Ohio State Highway Patrol spokesman, Lt. Nathan Dennis said that officers fired less lethal munitions at the suspect before the suspect raised his gun. The officers then shot the suspect dead.

    And just so you know, the suspect is one of those extreme right wingers, he was at the January 6th rally!

    And again, we have that unusual situation of a “extremist” that supposedly has an AR-15, the deadliest of weapons, and yet he attacked the FBI office with a nail gun.

    Hmmmm, it is almost as if they aren’t telling the whole story. Or they are manipulating it so that the narrative stays the same. Right == bad, Left == good.

    As a wild ass guess, the dude was upset, went into the visitors center, popped off his nail gun a few times before leaving with the cops chasing him. He then committed suicide by cop by pointing the nail gun at the cops. Until we see video of it, the odds of there being an AR-15 involved are pretty small.

    Jan. 6 Protestor Accused of Attacking FBI Office in Cincinnati

    Many of the articles on this event highlight a January 6th connection and all of them mention an AR-15.

    EDITED: Original stated that the suspect raised his “guns” when the actual quote was raised his “gun”

  • Everybody has their hot take on this. We’ve heard what Trump has to say. We’ve heard what J.Kb. with tinfoil hat has to say. Garland has his take and so do you.

    Of course the media is going to do what the media always does, make you and I the bad guys.

    Many on the right believe that the 2020 election was fixed. Not necessarily on election day but in the months leading up to it. The Wisconsin supreme court recently ruled that the drop boxes used in 2020 were not constitutional. PA did similar election hijinx.

    On January 6th a bunch of people from the right showed up to protest and to let their voices be heard. They new the rules. The rules had been shown to them through the months of “Mostly Peaceful Protests”. Media showed how it was ok for protesters to push back, to throw things at law enforcement, to protect yourself, to spray mace and bear spray and many other things.

    These were the established rules of engagement.

    They were not. Those rules of engagement only applied to the left. This is why we had Rittenhouse arrested and prosecuted for defending himself. The man who was pushed and shoved and hit who finally responded with lethal force being arrested and charged. An Uber driver that had an AK pointed at him responded with lethal force. He too was punished by the law.

    Lawfare is real. “The process is the punishment.”

    Donald Trump made a big mistake when he entered the White House. He treated taking over as president the same as he treated taking over a company with a hostile take over. When the deal is done you find the good people and you keep them. They are the people that get things done. They are the ones that are loyal to the company, the fact that there is a new CEO shouldn’t change that.

    We’ve all had times when our boss changed. We know that things will change. Some bosses are good, some are bad. Most of the time you keep right on going because you like your job and you like what you are doing. You know that you will be able to train your boss to be good sooner or later.

    And Trump had that mindset. We know that because he didn’t clear house as he entered office. Having delayed when he did start firing people the media immediately sided with the Left. Trump was horrible. He didn’t know what he was doing. The only thing that was going to save the country was these loyal government employees that would keep him in check.

    Government employees are like all of us, some are good, some are bad. Many are lazy. It is much easier to be lazy with a government job. The scientists and researchers and techs I worked with when I was supporting a government research facility were all incredible people that worked more hours than they got paid for and got some amazing results.

    The admin staff? Not so much. If we had to do something after hours we would just stay late to do it. We had our normal duties and after hours work was just part of the job. If an admin person had to stay past 1630 they didn’t show up until late in the day. And when their 8 hours were up, they were out the door.

    Just a few more minutes to complete something? Nope. Out the door, we’ll schedule another after hours next week.

    That is the gist of it. Trump knew there were going to be bad apples. He didn’t know just how bad. He also didn’t expect it at the top. He didn’t expect it from his “inner” circle. Nobody was expecting the FBI to show up during the transition looking to entrap people like Gen. Flynn.

    The Trump team didn’t know you never talked to the FBI without White House counsel with you.

    Trump has been fighting the Left leaning bureaucracy (hey, it is only a 75 degree list to the port) since before he entered office. It has continued ever since.

    The latest is of course the FBI raid on his home.

    Showing up with that number of agents makes it a raid. There was no reason. I might be proven wrong, but I doubt it. You use a warrant and a raid when you have reason to believe that evidence might be destroyed or not turned over upon request.

    Yes, we know that Hilary broke the law. We know she should have been arrested and charged. She wasn’t because she is one of the chosen ones. It doesn’t matter what she did or did not do. It doesn’t matter what the FBI did or did not do to her.

    What matters is rule of law.

    What we will find is that the warrant was issued legally. At some point in a decade or two we might find out that people lied to get it. But it will all be legal.

    But that isn’t where this is right now. This is about you.

    If you haven’t watched the video at the top, please watch it with the sound on.

    January 6th was a big deal to the left as it let them paint every one of us as “extreme”. This raid is causing thousands and thousands of people to comment.

    “lock and load”, “Civil War V2” and so on and so on. This raid kicked a hornets nest. People chatter. People make statements.

    What you and I might read as a warning “If you do X I’ll do Y.” they see as a threat.

    How many times have we heard some Lefty crying in the media about “death threats”. They don’t show them. When they do it turns out to be things like “If you want to take them, YOU stack up.”

    Years ago as a child I was being bullied by a group of children my age and a bit older. I picked up a baseball bat and was ready to take as many as I could if they attacked. They were the ones trying to flank me. They were the ones advancing. I was preparing to defend myself.

    My actions were a threat if and only if they initiated the attack. They didn’t. The bat did its job. It told them I was a hard target.

    So look at this action. It is an enemy action. Once is an accident. Twice a coincidence. Three times is an enemy action. We are way past the third time.

    Make sure you are prepared. Make sure you stand on the moral high ground. Make sure you are ready for whatever decisions you choose to make. Watch what is happening to your neighbors and watch for strange silences.

    Don’t be the one to start the fire.

  • The Honorable Rodger T. Benitez
    The Honorable Rodger T. Benitez
    In June of 2021 the Hon. Roger T. Benitez ruled on the Miller v. Bonta in the California Assault Weapons Ban (AWCA). In his ruling he eviscerated the state of California. He ruled that AWCA was unconstitutional. Either this ruling or one of his other rulings resulted in “Freedom Week” when 10s of thousands of standard capacity magazines flowed into California.

    Of course the state of California appealed the case. It was heard by a panel of 3 judges of the 9th circuit court. The three judges upheld Benitez’s ruling. Everybody involved knew that the state would appeal again for the case to be heard by a full panel instead of just the three judges.

    One of the judges on the 3 member panel went so far as to write the ruling of the en blanc panel. Basically saying that the full circuit court would find for the AWCA.

    He was right. Miller then appealed to the US Supreme Court. The Supreme Court did not grant certiorari but did not deny it either. It was put on hold pending the Bruen opinion. This was done for a number of cases. In addition a number of cases at the circuit court and district court levels were put on hold pending SCOTUS ruling.

    Bruen was decided on a Thursday and on the following Monday the court “granted certiorari, vacated the judgement, and remanded back to the circuit court” (GVR) a number of cases, including Miller v Bonta.

    At this point the 9th Circuit Court should have ruled that the AWCA was unconstitutional and the case would be done. They could, instead, have punted it down to a 3 judge panel. The thing that would take the most time was what they chose to do. The remanded the case back to the district court for Benitez to rule again in light of Bruen.

    This is absolutely ridiculous as Benitez’s original ruling is directly in line with Bruen. Regardless, this is just a delay tactic on the part of the 9th Circuit.

    Judge Benitez was read. According to reports he had his order ready to go out on August 2nd and released it on Aug 8th.

    Pursuant to the decision of the court of appeals vacating and remanding the case to this court, both parties are ordered to file briefs addressing New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass ‘n, Inc. v. Bruen, 597 U.S._ (June 23, 2022), and to do so withing twenty days of the date of this Order.
    Case No.: 19-cv-1537-BEN (JLB) via FPC

    This means that the parties must respond by the 28th of August. This is blazingly fast for the US court system. It would not surprise me if Benitez has his ruling out before the end of the year.

    At that point the state of california has to make a decision on whether they will appeal the ruling. My bet is that they will not.

    If they appeal and lose the 9th Circuit will have to rule and they will have to follow the Bruen decision. If the 9th Circuit Rules that AWCA is unconstitutional that means all such weapons bans will be overturned within the 9th Circuit. I.e. any district judge can look at an AWB and rule it unconstitutional and appeals are unlikely to be granted.

    If on the other hand they do not appeal then Benitez’s ruling in Miller only applies to California.

    We’ve seen this happen in a couple of other cases over the years where the states have taken an “L” rather than allowing presidence to be set.

  • There are a number of people out there that the Democrats hate with a passion. At the top of that list, is of course, Trump. Trump derangement syndrome is so strong that if Trump kissed a baby at a campaign stop the Dems would be calling for his arrest for sexual assault on a child within seconds.

    Another is Ted Cruz. I would love to see him as President, I would prefer him to be appointed to the Supreme Court. He would make an excellent Justice.

    Other things they hate are any conservative group. Turning Point USA, Turning Points Action, The NRA, Young Republicans, and any other group that has conservative views.

    If you really want to see them go of the deep end, combine the two. The hate for Ron DeSantis plus the hate for Turning Point USA and you have a perfect storm of mental meltdown.

    So what are they screaming about now? They are screaming that Turning Point Action is holding rallies that will be “Gun Free Zones.” Since DeSantis has been vocal about gun free zones not working and he will be attending these rallies as a featured speaker this makes him a liar.

    The Buffalo guy said he wanted to go where he knew there wouldn’t be blowback from people being armed, and so he tried to find a gun-free zone
    — DeSantis

    Of course they had to lie by misdirection to get to this conclusion. We all know that when we are talking about criminal free action zones/Gun Free Zones, we are talking about areas that have a sign posted but which provide no other real security. Most schools don’t have anything more than a sign plus a sign-in sheet to stop guns from entering a school campus.

    As the last poll pointed out, many many people use the “Concealed means Concealed” as their standard operating procedure. No sign ever stopped a person intent on doing evil from doing evil.

    The Unite and Win rallies are going to be gun/weapon free zones.

    Attendees must show a form of ID that matches their information on the ticket.

    Conditions of Entry and Special Events Zone:

    • All persons and property will be searched
    • Be prepared for airport-like screening
    • Audience will be video recorded
    • Rules subject to change without notice
    • No re-entry

    Prohibited Items:

    • Bags, backpacks, messenger bags
    • Skateboards, bicycles
    • Balloons, laser pointers, umbrellas
    • Sticks, poles, bats, etc.
    • Food, beverages, containers, water bottles
    • Weapons, ammunition, knives, projectiles, pepper spray, expandable batons, firearms (NO CCW in Event Zone) or other hazardous items
    • Tactical gear including but not limited to helmets, body armor, shields, etc.
    • Signs, banners, flyers, posters, stickers
    • Alcohol, drugs, paraphernalia
    • Amplified sound or other noise makers
    • Animals (service animals permitted)

    — EventBright entry for Unite and Win tickets

    While we might know or believe that we can bypass airport security, having this level of security is significantly different than just posting a sign.

    We saw exactly the same thing happened when Trump addressed the annual NRA meeting a few years ago. Because he was the President the secret service had requirements for the event which included no weapons in the room. They set up all the screening equipment to make sure it was a secured area.

    The left screamed about how the NRA wanted gun free zones when it was them and that Trump wanted gun free zones around him while totally ignoring that the rest of the convention did allow firearms as well as ignoring that it was the secret service that demanded a sterile room before Trump was allowed to speak.

    If left-wing extremist are speaking, they are lying. It is in their nature.
    Firearms banned at events with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has argued ‘gun-free’ zones are less safe

    While the article is busy calling DeSantis and Turning Point USA liars, they use a redefinition to tell still another lie:

    Research indicates “gun-free” policies do not actually correspond to greater security risks. A review of mass shootings between 1966 and 2016 found that only 12% occurred “in a truly gun-free zone” — that is, one without armed security — and that only 5% took place in areas where civilians were prohibited from carrying a firearm, per researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

    They also left out how they got those numbers. From the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research study they are quoting from:

    New research on mass shootings involving six or more victims murdered that occurred in the United States from 1966 to through June 2016 contradicts these claims. Only 12% of these shootings took place, in whole or in part, in a truly gun-free zone (no armed security or police or armed civilians) and 5% in a gun-restricting zone (civilian gun possession prohibited). A separate study of mass shootings involving four or more fatalities, that included domestic incidents during 2009-2015, found that only 13% occurred in a gun-free or gun-restricting zone.

    Look, they redefined mass shootings to be SIX or more victims killed. That certainly changes the samples.

    They redefined mass shootings again to include domestic incidents. Something the general population doesn’t think of as a “mass shooting” and neither of the two definitions used matches the FBI UCI definition.

    It is also worth noting that they had to go back to 1966 for their samples. Florida kicked off the movement to shall issue in 1987. More than twenty years after the start of their samples. There were no CCW to speak of in those places. The first “official” Gun Free Zone was created in 1990, nearly 25 years after their first sample.

    They also used a definition of Gun Free Zone that it is only truly a Gun Free Zone if there is armed security. For even more interesting numbers in this study by an anti-gun zealot about DGU. The author claims that are only about 100k DGUs per year.

    From a 2013 study by the CDC:

    Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.

  • Theme songs tell us the story of a life, real or fictional, in just a few seconds. Words aren’t required, nobody can hear the opening sounds of the Star Trek theme song and not know what is happening. It is so strong that a bar or two and they can twist it and your mind somewhere else.

    The theme from Jaws is still used in paradies and to tell people that what they seeing hides what’s beneigh the surface.

    Sometimes lives have theme songs. This is the song that will be played at my daughters wedding. Not sure when, but it will be played.

  • After over two years of legal battles the Canadian pastor that was arrested for holding services in defiance of Woo-Flu lockdown dictates has won his appeal.

    All fines are to be returned to the pastor and his brother. In addition there are penalties are being assessed against the government including Artur’s costs for litigation. Hopefully this will actually cover his costs.

    Artur made headlines in 2020 when he told Albert storm troopers to get out of his church. He was videoed verbally berating the cops as they attempted to shut down services. He was later arrested for refusing to abide by illegal orders.

    He was arrested again in a pre-dawn raid by Albert SWAT storm troopers on the day he was scheduled to speak at a Canadian Truckers protest rally.

    This sort of falls in the same category of all the people that had their guns confiscated after hurricane Katrina. They did get their firearms back but it took years of litigation and when/if they got them back many were significantly damaged.

    Artur will not get his time spent in prison back. He was made an example of what the government will do to you if they decide you are not of the right class.

    Don’t ever give up your guns.

  • Rebeka Jones being detained
    Rebeka Jones being detained during police raid. 2020-12-07

    Rebeka Jones made the news because she was a “data portal administrator” who claimed that DeSantis was forcing her to publish false covid numbers. Her claim was bogus from the start and almost anybody that works with these sorts of data portals knows it.

    The gist of what she her office was doing was receiving daily data dumps from the state and then uploading that data into a public facing portal. By having this two step process the state could make sure that no Personally Identifying Data (PID) could be released to the public accidently as there was an “air gap” between PID and the public facing portal.

    Rebeka claimed she was being forced to modify the data. This is bogus on the face because she would have had to make the exact same modifications to each data upload and her portal was not an official source. No matter what changes she made or how often she made them, the original data would be unchanged. I.e. she did not have the power to do what she claimed she was being told to do.

    She is currently running for congress as a Democrat. Being a person of good moral character and able to understand the rules plus knowing what she has the power to do, she fucked up.

    Yep, she failed to register as a Democrat before the deadline. Thus a north Florida judge ruled that she is not eligible for this months Democrat primary.

    We hope that Ms. Jones continues to make the same quality of choices alleviating the need for people to actually care about her or her opinions.

  • What should be outside every school in the country

    While not quite at the same level as some schools in Georgia, at least one county in North Carolina is moving in the correct direction.

    With the start of the 2022-2023 school year all of the schools in the Madison County school district will have School Resource Officers (SRO). All SROs will be armed with a 9mm sidearm with at least 2 reloads (50+ rounds). In addition there will be breaching tools in each shool.

    The article states that the breaching tools will be kept in the safe, which really doesn’t make sense.

    …the local school system and Sheriff’s Office are rolling out some beefed up security measures in 2022-23, including putting AR-15 rifles in every school.
    AR-15s put in all Madison County schools to enhance security in case of active shooter

    The Citizen Times reports that schools are being hardened by pre-staging equipment for the SROs and responding law enforcement. They are also adding panic button systems to will be directly connected to the police dispatch.

    The problem with all of these styles of hardening is the same. It is what we saw in Uvalde and Parkland, the effective response to a mass shooting requires men and women to advance to the sound of gunfire and take out the shooter.

    It doesn’t matter if the police response time is less than 3 minutes if they are going to cower in the hallway for 77 minutes. It doesn’t matter if there is an SRO on site if they are hiding being the building with brown stains in their shorts.

    You are your own first responder. When my children enter a school as a student the school becomes parent in loco. That means the school staff members need to be able to be first responders.

    My wife doesn’t carry. I can’t make her. I won’t make her. We’ve come a long way in that she is comfortable handling firearms. She is prepared to defend our home and children with deadly force today. She’s had formal training and she will put rounds on target. She is certainly much better than minute of animal.

    I do carry. We do not want every teacher to carry. There are some that are not mentally up to the task. There are some that are more afraid of making a mistake than of doing the right thing. What we want is for staff, including teachers, to have the ability to carry on campus.

  • On the front page, where you see a list of different posts, I’ve added a link after the author’s name which is the number of comments.

    If you click on that link it will take you directly to the comments section of the article.

  • Gun banners just got to ban guns. It is what they do.

    Once is an accident.

    Twice is a coincident.

    Three times is enemy action.

    Oregon gun control advocates are putting a measure on the ballot which will make it impossible for people to actually purchase a firearm.

    The measure would enact a law requiring a permit issued by a local law enforcement agency to purchase any firearm. Applicants would have to pay a fee, be fingerprinted, complete safety training, and pass a criminal background check.

    Hmmm, “Shall Not Be Infringed.”

    “In order to obtain the permit, an applicant would have to show up with a firearm to demonstrate the ability to load, fire, unload, and store the firearm,” Williamson, an Oregon trial attorney specializing in firearms law, told The Epoch Times. “But you can’t get a firearm without the permit. And under Oregon’s highly restrictive gun storage laws, no one can legally loan a firearm to another. That creates an impassable barrier.”

    Oregonians to Vote on Gun Control Measure Opponent Calls ‘Strictest’ in the Nation

    Everything we see happening today is about making it as difficult and expensive as possible in order to exercise our rights as guaranteed in the Constitution.

    “We can’t require you to show good cause? Then you will have to show you have good moral character.”

    “You want a permit? No problem, just pay hundreds of dollars up front and take a training course. What training course? We haven’t defined it yet, you’ll have to wait until sometime next year.”

    “You want to purchase a gun? No problem get a permit.”

    “You want to purchase a gun? Sorry, there are no gun stores because they’ve all been sued out of existance.”

    Side note, for the longest time there was only on LLC in Washington DC. He had an office in the MPD building. If you had permission to buy a gun from the government you had to jump through a bunch of hoops. Purchase you firearm outside the city and then have it shipped into the city to actually pick it up. Go read Emily Gets Her Gun: But Obama Wants to Take Yours

    They’ve lost, but they are going to cause as much pain as possible on the way down.