Category: Skills
Stealing Pies
There is this trope in story telling of the vagrant, hobo, bum, or cartoon character steeling a pie from a windowsill. It is good story telling. But, in my opinion, we forget what is actually happening. We can go to the supermarket and buy a decent, almost edible, pie for 5 dollars or so. We…
Prepping – Honey
Honey is one of those items that many people have laying around the house, but not too many of them know its amazing properties. Used for sweetening, bug traps, wound repair, topical antibacterial, fighter of disease, and dozens of other things, honey is worth its weight in gold. From a prepping standpoint, honey is something…
The Weekly Feast – Baked Cabbage Burgers
Wait, don’t leave! They are REALLY good! And not as odd as they sound. I really love burgers, but I also am trying to lose weight. Those buns are not great for me, but a plain hamburger patty on a plate is boring. I went looking for something new, and found this recipe, and we…
Prepping – Medications
We talk a lot about SHTF and how we’ll bug out or in, what foods we have, how to make fire. All these things are important, definitely. But I want to talk medications. There are categories of medications that need attention. First, we have “first aid” meds, things taken to help with an emergent medical…
The Weekly Feast – Gazpacho Soup
There is nothing I love more than gazpacho soup on a hot day. It’s refreshing and cool, flavorful and filling. This is a recipe that I adore, and I hope you’ll enjoy trying it out over the hot August nights. I like to serve this with fresh salad shrimp just popped in, right before serving.…
Making Fire
I wanted to talk about fire, today, because it’s one of those ubiquitous things. It’s just there. We don’t really think about it, in our world of Bic disposable lighters and all-weather matches. But fire is one of the prime things that makes us human. We harnessed it. But if we lost access to our…
The Weekly Feast – Hungarian Goulash
My father’s side of the family is from Communist Hungary. I grew up on Hungarian foods, and learned several recipes that I have passed on to friends and family today. This recipe is straight from my Nagymama’s (that means “grandma” in Hungarian) kitchen, this recipe has the flavor of Hungary throughout it. The meat is…
Taking Heat
I know that “taking heat” means something different to 2A people, but I’m talking about temperature heat today. I’ve heard a lot of people whining (and yes, I’m using that term on purpose) about the heat, of late, and I want to address it from a prepping perspective. So, over the past several weekends, I’ve…
The Weekly Feast – Bread
Bread is often called the “staff of life,” and that’s because a man can survive on bread and water. We think of this, in today’s world of Wonderbread and fake food, as a cruel punishment. In medieval times, bread and water was fairly standard fare for a person. In the 1750s, bread was 60% of…