Category: Nerd Babel

  • Networking, interrelationships

    Part of the task of making a High Availability system is to make sure there is no single point of failure. To this end, everything is supposed to be redundant. So let’s take the office infrastructure as a starting point. We need to have multiple compute nodes and multiple data storage systems. Every compute node…

  • Docker Swarm?

    Docker Swarm?

    There is this interesting point where you realize that you own a data center. My data center doesn’t look like that beautiful server farm in the picture, but I do have one. I have multiple servers, each with reasonable amounts of memory. I have independent nodes, capable of performing as ceph nodes and as docker…

  • High Availability Services

    High Availability Services

    People get very upset when they go to visit Amazon, Netflix, or just their favorite gun blog and the site is down. This happens when a site is not configured with high availability in mind. The gist is that we do not want to have a single point of failure, anywhere in the system. To…

  • For Lack of (nerd post)

    For Lack of (nerd post)

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceivebe a system admin I’ve been deep into a learning curve for the last couple of months, broken by required trips to see dad before he passes. The issue at hand is that I need to reduce our infrastructure costs. They are out…