Category: History
Smith & Wesson Brands v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in this case. It is difficult to actually conceive of how long the battle for our Second Amendment rights has been going on. It started in 1792 and has continued through tomorrow. In the founding era, there were a number of racist and religious exceptions. These were designed…
Big Mac Index
One of the most difficult tasks economists have is to judge the cost of things. If I’m paying $3/dozen for eggs and you are paying $1/dozen, do your eggs or mine cost more? This gets even more complex when you start to consider currency differences. When I’m discussing past prices, I like to convert the…
What A Difference Three People Made
As I contemplate another deep dive into a legal case, I realize how thankful I am to Justice Thomas. Our Second Amendment protected rights had been eviscerated. Most of the country was under the suffocating opinions of gun hating inferior courts. If a stated wanted a gun control law, they passed it. Challenges were always…
First Man, a review
The history of the race to the moon is amazing. There is so much that happened behind the scenes, out of sight of the public because it was that dangerous. My parents kept me awake for the moon landing. I remember watching Neil Armstrong step foot on the moon. I am currently following Elon Musk’s…
What was old is new again
Allyson had picked up a wooden box a few years ago to take to events. It was a plain wooden box with just a bit of decoration and a porcelain knob attached to the sliding top. The knob and screw holding it are not period. The rest was pretty period. Or more precisely, it was…
Colonial Show & Tell
Come one, come all! The Fort at No. 4 is hosting a Colonial Show and Tell over the Labor Day weekend! If you are an 18th century reenactor and would like to show off your skills, please contact me at or reach out directly to the Fort at and we’ll get all the…
Stealing Pies
There is this trope in story telling of the vagrant, hobo, bum, or cartoon character steeling a pie from a windowsill. It is good story telling. But, in my opinion, we forget what is actually happening. We can go to the supermarket and buy a decent, almost edible, pie for 5 dollars or so. We…
Why is Maduro Safe?
From Miguel’s substack, with permission. At least from the regular Venezuelans. At this writing, the 2024 presidential elections in Venezuela are in the can and Maduro seems to have “secured” his re-election. Protest about the fraud committed did happen, and the government was swift arresting over 1,500 so far who are slotted to go to…
Che Guevara, Murder
Almost everybody has seen the iconic image of Che Guevara. Looking heroic with his beret and unkempt look. His eyes looking off into the distance. That symbolism is not welcome in my home or in my spaces. If somebody were to wear something with his likeness in my presence, I would leave if it wasn’t…