Author: Chris Johnson

  • Che Guevara, Murder

    Che Guevara, Murder

    Almost everybody has seen the iconic image of Che Guevara. Looking heroic with his beret and unkempt look. His eyes looking off into the distance. That symbolism is not welcome in my home or in my spaces. If somebody were to wear something with his likeness in my presence, I would leave if it wasn’t…

  • Communism == Jealousy

    Communism == Jealousy

    If you are reading this, you are part of the 1% richest people in the world. I can confidently say that because there are so many people living in object poverty. Not poverty as defined by the government, but actual poverty. The government likes to define poverty in relative terms. This means that when you…

  • When the State wants more weasel words

    When the State wants more weasel words

    The state is constantly looking for weasel words in Supreme Court opinions to further their arrogant subjugation of their subjects. We see this in how they misconstrued the language of to claim that the Second Amendment only protects militias. We see this when they misconstrue to mean that “presumptively constitutional” means that any infringement is…

  • Who are you going to believe?

    Who are you going to believe?

    Me or your lying eyes? For the last four years, the only time I heard about Kamala was when she had messed up, again. It is a feature of her actions, she messes up. She was assigned to close the border. Joe used Obama’s term, “Tsar”. As in “Border Tsar.” Today, I’m being told, “Kamala…

  • The Loss of a Friend

    The Loss of a Friend

    Aside, there are two cases pending articles. I’m working on them. I do not have many friends. It is difficult for me to reach out to my friends to keep in touch with them. Since I work from home, I’m not forced to interact with co-workers. So, few friends. Note, I use the word “friend”…

  • How To Securely Update A Device

    How To Securely Update A Device

    There are two basic types of devices, an embedded system, and a general system. There are embedded systems everywhere. Your smart TV. The Chromecast you have attached to your “dumb” TV. Your coffee maker, your washing machine or drier. These are a few of the embedded systems you use every day. There are some that…

  • Cognitive Dissonance

    Cognitive Dissonance

    The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people are averse to inconsistencies within their own minds. It offers one explanation for why people sometimes make an effort to adjust their thinking when their own thoughts, words, or behaviors seem to clash with each other. Ok, but what does that mean? More importantly, what does it…

  • The AK Guy Recreated the Assassination Attempt

    The AK Guy Recreated the Assassination Attempt

    Brandon debunks some idiot’s claims of “fake”. 1 MOA red dot on a 2 MOA rifle at 130 to 150 Yards gives you a 4 inch grouping.