Author: Chris Johnson

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    From the YouTube description: The following are a series of war correspondence films from the Simba Rebellion in the Congo in 1964/65 set to the tune of “Roland the Thompson Gunner” by Warren Zevon. The film features a platoon of mercenaries from Europe conducting a platoon attack on the town of Boende in the Cong.…

  • What was old is new again

    What was old is new again

    Allyson had picked up a wooden box a few years ago to take to events. It was a plain wooden box with just a bit of decoration and a porcelain knob attached to the sliding top. The knob and screw holding it are not period. The rest was pretty period. Or more precisely, it was…

  • Filler–


    I’m trying to export a video from OpenShot-community, and it is refusing to cooperate. Switching to a filler article. Poor Ricky, he thinks that government inspectors keep us safe from bad business practices. Maybe he should ask about all the mandated state inspections of Gosnell’s medical facilities? MSNBC is likely lying by omission and by…

  • And we are at step 2
  • Why Do They Start By Wanting to Break the Law?

    Why Do They Start By Wanting to Break the Law?

    I’ve been advocating for the Right of The People to keep and bear arms for decades now. After the Sandy Hook shooting, I was in a discussion with somebody on Google+. They were attempting to come up with a “common-sense gun safety laws”. After a couple of days going back and forth, they asked “Well,…

  • P38 v. P51

    P38 v. P51

    This is an attempt to cleanse my palate after watching part of the debate. The magic of the can… Or better stated, the how to preserve food. We are spoiled today, we go to the local supermarket and purchase almost any type of food we want, regardless of the growing season. It will be fresh…

  • Blood Vultures

    Blood Vultures

    A mentally troubled kid decided to take his AR-15 to school and start shooting. The good news is that there was an SRO on site. This SRO ran to the sound of gun fire. The cowardly asshole shooter gave up as soon as a good guy with a gun arrived. The bad news is that…

  • Listen to Justice Thomas

    Listen to Justice Thomas

    In the best of worlds, the courts would work to enforce the laws as they were meant. We wouldn’t have judges and justices that are so goal-driven that their wants forces a predetermined outcome. The state passes a bad law. The People file a suit challenging the law. They request a temporary injunction, a preliminary…

  • Kershaw Select Fire – 6 Month Review

    Kershaw Select Fire – 6 Month Review

    About 6 months ago, I picked up a Kershaw Select Fire based on a suggestion in one of the comments. After I wrote about it, I was asked to do a review after I had been using it for 6 months or so. First, it is lighter than my Cold Steel. When in hand, it…