I’m still working on my photography. There is a huge learning curve moving from film to digital.

For a number of years I used a Nikon Coolpix 900 which I got from my mentor’s estate after he was killed. It produced JPG images.

When that died I stopped taking pictures because it was too expensive to do film and to expensive to buy an DSLR.

I now have a Nikon D4. It is a generation or more back but it is a camera I could afford. I just had to put that .50 cal bolt action on the back burner for a bit.

One of the things I had to learn is that RAW means RAW. The images that you normally get out of your phone camera or consumer grade cameras is processed by the camera into a JPG image. The processing done on the RAW image before turning it into a JPG is extensive.

When you work with raw files you get the image exactly as the sensor captured it. Your software needs to apply the correct processes to turn that into something that you are willing to look at.

In the Windows/Mac world the software that does that is Lighttable. I’m a Unix/Linux guy, so I use Darktable It does much if not all of what Lighttable does, but it is free.

So I apologize if my images are not right. I’m still learning the processing sequence and camera settings. I’m relearning lighting procedures. And I’m having to relearn post processing.

Let me know if you’d like more gun pictures. I do intend to do some more of that Model ’94 and its older brother.

Thursday’s post was a little weak. When I said “I’ve had to listen to people lie and miss represent gun rights” and was tired of it. I wasn’t talking about social media or the mainstream media. No, I was talking about reading briefings in court cases by infringement loving AGs in different states.

Friday has a LONG post coming out about an hour after this post regarding a local case out of Oregon. It is important because it again shows wins in the lower courts and losses at the higher levels.

This particular case was brought to our attention by B.Zh. I think I spent about 6 hours total reading and skimming filings.

Did you know that it costs $54/month to get access to Oregon state court filings? There is a free version but it only had the final opinion of the court. The cache of documents I did find was from Everytown. I downloaded and posted them here so we don’t have to give their website any more visits.

Finally, Hagar has agreed to an “Ask me anything”. Start collecting your questions. There will be a post early next week with open comments so that you can ask Hagar anything you want.

Be polite in your questions and we reserve the right to K/O any question for any reason.

Hope you all are looking forward to it as much as I am.

Let the commenting/roasting begin, thank you to all our fine readers.


6 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. curby Avatar

    I have a Pentax. K1000 35mm camera I got at a lawn sale for .25c. It came with a 135 lens and a new in the box flash gun. I now have a 200mm lens too. Looking for a doubler.. eventually I will get a digital too.
    Yall have an awesome site, its my go to every day.

  2. b-zh Avatar

    As usual, satisfied customer here. So much so, in fact, I’m going to ask when my membership needs renewal or upgrade – or is it possible just to kick in some $$? I know paying for court filings can cost a guy…

    Speaking of which AWA – you took the deep dive on the Columbia County, Oregon SASO case, and wow… you knocked it out of the park! It’s a complicated case with a lot of nuance. TLDR – said by a SITTING JUDGE (!) – you’re a racist Jew hater if you stand to defend the 2A through local protection ordinances. For those of you who want to witness the depravity of those who would disarm you – from the county commissioners to an appellate judge – go read AWA’s post from this morning. F#[k Oregon is a mess…

    As for the Nikon – check you camera settings, you should be able to have the camera SD card store both the RAW format and a .jpg (or maybe just the .jpg – I forget the available settings – but I had a D4 and no readily available post-processing software at the time, so that’s how I got by). The nice thing was, I could ‘share’ the pictures in .jpg rather quickly, and can later go back and edit the RAW image later if I want.

    can we get some M^3? (Mean Monday Memes)?

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Wading through some of the filings can be depressing in how the anti-gun people lie and mis-represent things. I felt pretty good because the case showed up in my feeds after I wrote about it and for once I felt like I was ahead of the curve and provided more information than I was getting from my feeds.

  3. Old Trainer Avatar
    Old Trainer

    I had an old Nikon 35mm film body with some nice lenses from the 1990 era and just could not justify using film anymore and it was in storage for a lot of years. I retired and got a good used Nikon D7000 and am snapping away again! You should be able to set yours to capture the image as RAW and JEPG format at the same time – might save you some time or grief.

  4. David Douglass Avatar
    David Douglass

    I for one really appreciate AWA doing the heavy lifting where it takes real mental muscle to persevere. Someone has to do it and I’m grateful you stepped up.
    So Hagar is willing to field some hard-hit fly balls is she. What’s not to like? Looking forward to it, sounds like fun.

  5. pkoning Avatar

    I don’t know Darktable, but there is also GIMP which is available on all the usual platforms (not just Unix). I have switched to it from Photoshop.
    A great reference for serious photo editing is Dan Margulis’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Professional-Photoshop-Classic-Guide-Correction/dp/032144017X I think he also teaches courses. I don’t remember if the book goes into RAW file processing specifically, but it certainly contains all the skills needed do deal with that, and do so efficiently and accurately.