Moving right

I’ve written and deleted this post a dozen times… but here it goes.

This week, a large group of people who have never met me, never seen what I have done for Western North Carolina, attempted to get me fired from my job.

Let me be very clear.

If you think you can intimidate me into silence… go fuck yourself.

Anyone who knows me on this platform knows I have a heart for hurting people and I will fight to the ENDS OF THE EARTH to make sure their voice is heard.

What happened here in Western North Carolina is nothing short of one of the worst disasters of federal emergency help in government history.

I don’t talk about this much, but I was ABSOLUTELY NOT a MAGA republican before the storm.

I’m a tech bro that works remotely in WNC for a Seattle smart home company. I’m the EPITOME of someone who is liberal. I watched CNN exclusively for YEARS.

I was the person that thought I was better than YOU for holding a political opinion I hadn’t fully thought through.

I was that guy, and to those who knew me that way, I’m so sorry. I wish I could take back that arrogance.

But now I know what I wish I knew long ago…

For so many people, including me for years, it was the APPEARANCE of acting good that mattered, not the TRUE ACT of doing good in the word.

If you’re reading this, and that’s you, and you want to change… please, I invite you to scroll through my posts for the past 4 months and see what has happened in Western North Carolina.

Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

Maybe your heart will change, mine did, and if it happened to mine… the hardest heart in the entire universe… I know it can happen to you too.

When people run into the evil that is the left, they find that the center has left them right of center. Welcome


2 responses to “Moving right”

  1. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    That post didn’t go the way I thought it was heading. I’m still curious about the people he says are trying to get him fired…?

  2. CBMTTek Avatar

    “For so many people, including me for years, it was the APPEARANCE of acting good that mattered, not the TRUE ACT of doing good in the word.”

    Hashtag campaigns have changed zero minds.
    Protests have changed zero minds.

    Getting out there and actually doing something… that changes minds.

    The Cajun/Redneck navy did more in one hour than every hashtag campaign combined did in the history of the internet. And, by doing so, they changed more minds about people, and politics.