The Bi-weekly Reminder

I am about to embark upon something on Facebook and possibly other social media. I am going to start posting up every second Monday, asking people what rights they have lost in the previous two weeks. I am going to make this a relatively serious question, because frankly, if someone actually *does* have their rights restricted, I want to know about it. Whether it’s gun rights, freedom of speech and/or religion, or whatever, we should be on top of that. More than that, though, I want it to be a *polite* reminder to my friends and acquaintances that they haven’t actually lost any rights.

I am including the first draft of the message below. I’m posting it here, because I’d like your feedback! Note, this is meant to be a reminder yes, and some people may see it as snark, but I’m trying to make this serious and real, as well. I want it to resonate with people, and maybe make them feel just a little bit uncomfortable. This is for *the person*, not “someone they know” or “that random group over there.” I may choose (but haven’t yet decided whether) to allow folks to include close friends in their reports (defined as “someone you know personally, face to face, have hugged, laughed, and cried with”).

The message:

Dear friends, family, acquaintances, followers…

There are a lot of people feeling vulnerable and concerned right now. I understand your feelings. I want to understand better, during Trump’s first (and possibly subsequent) year as President, what rights are being infringed upon by either Trump or the government (at any level). This question is put out there for YOU, the person reading it. It is not there for other people. I don’t want you to speak for other people (though I heartily encourage you to let other people know about my little experiment, and invite them to join in!). I want to know what YOU are losing or having infringed. 

This is a serious question on my part. I currently have a “research set” of one: me. That’s not enough. I need to hear what other people are experiencing, first hand. But I also need you to understand, I will research this stuff. I WANT to research this stuff. If a claim is made, and it doesn’t match reality, I will explain why and provide any related information I have access to. My hope is that this will encourage conversation, logical thought, and mental and emotional organization on my own part, and the part of others. I have other folks who are very interested in rights that have been infringed upon, and I will pass along information to those others who may have the ability to enact changes or challenges. 

As an example, I firmly believe (and have quite a bit of paperwork and research to back me up) that banning TikTok was and is an infringement of my First Amendment rights. While it affects other people, I am touting it as something that hurt/damaged/impinged upon ME individually. I lost MY right to speak freely on an app of my choice. 

So I ask you, what rights of yours have been infringed upon since President Trump took office on January 20, 2025?

Alright, what do you think? I realize many of you may believe it’s pointless, and you might be right. But it was questions like this that caused ME to change my mind on things. I owe it to other people that I love to ask again and again for them to apply logic, even when it’s painful.


9 responses to “The Bi-weekly Reminder”

  1. pkoning Avatar

    I’m not sure how to get this point across — clearly what you’re after is real infringement, not imagined infringement. So “provide specific evidence” is wanted. The question is how to phrase that so it doesn’t create a hostile reaction and so it does generate the needed filtering.

    On the example you gave (TikTok), that doesn’t match the specification. Ignoring the fact it’s not a ban (it’s a required transfer of ownership — closing down was the CCP’s choice, not the US) it happened on 1/19, in other words prior to Trump becoming president.

    1. The problem is, it’s *always* going to generate a hostile reaction. I had that proven to me yesterday. I’m scrapping this. It’s just not worth it. I honestly don’t care enough (and that bothers me, quite honestly). 🙁

  2. Joseph L. Roberts Avatar
    Joseph L. Roberts

    IDK if it is pointless, but I think you will get some interesting responses, beyond the hysteria.
    I would like to follow along if I may –
    I promise to be silent.
    e-mail is below

    1. So I decided not to do it. I have to keep reminding myself I’m not the idiot whisperer. It’s not my job to lead people to water or to make them drink. I had some stuff happen yesterday re: Elon and his unfortunate arm gesture, and I’m just… done. I did follow you on FB tho. 🙂

  3. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    I think this is a worthwhile attempt, but I suspect two things will happen.

    First, that you wind up being unfriended and harassed online (more on that below). Second, that you spend a lot of time trying to separate wheat from chaff.

    In the end, most people don’t respond strongly to logical arguments to begin with, and I suspect that those who incorrectly claim their rights have been taken, are likely to be a standard deviation or two off-center on the response curve. So I don’t think you’ll have much luck convincing them they haven’t been oppressed even if it’s a self-ejection from TwitterBook or whatever platform.

    In all seriousness, please take steps to try to insulate your real-world business and livelihood from this effort. You’ve already mentioned a time or two, your concerns re the RenFaire. This effort could wind up with you being doxxed, for instance, and I don’t want to see you hurt from your efforts to do good.

    1. I decided not to do it. I had some stuff happen yesterday when I posted up things about Elon and his “Roman salute” and it just went downhill. So I’m just going to shut up. *sigh*

      1. CBMTTek Avatar

        I do not think it was a Roman salute, at least not from supernerd Musk.

        It is, IMHO, directly for Star Trek TOS, Mirror Mirror. Had Musk put on a cheesy goatee, it would have been obvious.

  4. An interesting endeavor. I think the biggest problem you will encounter is what people consider a right (a big paycheck or fulfilling job is nice but not a right; one’s opinions and demands being met are not rights, but you have a right to have and speak them; protesting is a right, but violence is not; happiness is not a right, although you may pursue it; etc. Other misconceptions will probably pop up as people reply. Sifting through that will probably be the frustrating part. I think “rights” has become one of the most misused words around. Economic and social rights guarantee that every person has the opportunity to have the conditions under which they are able to meet their BASIC needs. Entitlement is the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Good luck – I look forward to hearing how it turns out.

  5. CBMTTek Avatar

    “because frankly, if someone actually *does* have their rights restricted, I want to know about it.”

    Me too!
    Please, please, please… post any valid loss of rights here. I am very interested in knowing.

    And… I just noticed that you are scrapping the idea. While I understand that decision, and support it, I am a bit saddened by it. This could be a real learning experience for all. (Then again, some folks do not want to learn, especially when that education is about how ignorant and/or politically biased they actually are.)