referee between two political teams arguing

Fact Checking the Debate

I had to give this one a few days. I watched most of the debate, but had to tune out after the umpteenth time the moderators interrupted the debate to say things that are just not true. All in all, it wasn’t so much a debate as a dog-pile on Trump. I thought Trump handled himself fairly well, but I was irritated that he let himself be baited by Harris. It was obvious what she was going to do, and she did it, and the fact that he fed right into it was painful.

The main topics were Jan. 6th, the economy, immigrants, war, unemployment, job rates, trade deficits, gun confiscation, and a few other things.

David Muir asked Trump if there was anything he regretted about January 6th. I thought it was a decently worded question, and open ended enough that Trump should have been able to find something to talk about. I’m sure that Trump has regrets that people turned into a mob (not a riot, no, but yes a mob), that a person lost their life, etc. Instead, he chose to talk about how he had nothing to do with it except to make a speech. While that’s factually true, it left opponents open to making all sorts of commentary and accusations.

Harris, for her part, was just ridiculous. She said, “On that day, 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died, and understand the former president has been indicted and impeached for exactly that reason.” Sure, lots of people were injured, but the ones who died were not due to their injuries sustained at the Capitol ( Her bullshit about Trump threatening a “bloodbath” is just ridiculous.

The fight over tariffs is beyond my paygrade. There’s a lot of information on it online, and I encourage people to go read it. Both Trump’s and Harris’s various economic plans will cost the country money. The question is how much, and when. Trump’s tariff plans seem to indicate that We The People will see a slight increase in prices initially, because tariffs always do that (increase a price to someone and they pass that along to the consumer), but the general expectation is that American producers will be able to compete, thereby making American goods cheaper to purchase. That takes time, though, so right now it looks bad. And honestly, it IS bad, but only in the short term. I don’t know that many of us can handle a short price hike while things sort themselves out.

Harris just seems to be wanting to give people money, which might seem “nice” on the outside but… where’s the money coming from? In a crap economy where the government is bleeding dollars down the drain, where are these grants for new housing and other monies coming from? I gather Harris is just planning on printing more, but we all know how that works out. NPR suggests that the pandemic messed with the economy world wide (NPR) and I believe that to be correct, but only sort of. People were better under Trump in general. NPR suggests that prices under Trump were “depressed” for some reason, without actually giving a reason, so that now that they’re “normal,” it seems like more. NPR also states that prices have risen about 21%, but salaries have risen about 23%, so it’s all about the same as before the pandemic. I don’t think they understand economics.

The biggest issue for Trump during the economics portion of the debate was his insistence on saying things like, “I created one of the greatest economies in the history of our country…” (AP News) and “The worst inflation we’ve ever had” [was under Biden] (BBC). Stuff like this simply never works out well for him, or Republicans in general. Was the country better, financially? Yes, absolutely. Has Biden/Harris messed things up completely? Definitely. Was Trump’s economy the best ever? Nope, not even close, but for very complex reasons including the pandemic. Was Biden’s the worst? No, it wasn’t. Every time Trump says something about being the greatest, or the only, or the best, it just tanks his chances. I wince Every Single Time.

So what else was said? Oh yes, the cats and dogs in Springfield Ohio. So I follow a bunch of people on TikTok because they’re interesting or fun or show cute animals. One of them is a particularly left leaning lady who’s a professional wildlife rehab person. That’s what she does for a living. Turns out she lives in Springfield. She has a bunch of videos of herself, grabbing various wild animals (NOT cats and dogs) out of the hands of dark skinned people who don’t speak English and who I assume are Haitian. Her statement is that prior to the Haitians’ arrival, her main job was to deal with animals who ingested poisoned vermin, occasional garbage incidents, that kind of thing. She wasn’t terribly busy, but always had something going on. Now, she can’t even walk her dog along the beach without running into scenes of these people killing wild animals. She doesn’t go into whether they’re eating them or practicing witchcraft with them (and honestly I don’t care either way), but she was getting upset. She tried reporting them, and not only was her report not taken, she was told flat out that it wasn’t happening. She was on the phone with these people while holding a goose she’d rescued from the group. I got nuthin’.

Now, the lady eating the cat, that was both real and not reported correctly. Turns out she’s quite American, born and bred in Ohio. She has a long history of mental health issues, including eating dead animals raw. She was indeed taken by the cops, that is a real video. They did actually ask her if she’d eaten the cat, and she did get pictures taken of her by the cops, with … well, with bits of cat in her teeth. But that was nothing to do with “eating pets” or sacrifices or anything other than a certifiably mentally ill person who’d escaped from where they should have been and was off their meds. So while the video is definitely real, the spin put on it is not. I have not, to date, seen any evidence that Haitians are eating pets. I have heard anecdotal evidence from people saying their pets were found dead under mysterious circumstances, but they don’t appear to have been eaten.

Immigration was definitely a hot topic. Again, Trump sunk himself by pulling numbers out of his ass. He really needs to study those numbers and use the real ones, or the extrapolated ones. By making claims of 21 million people a month streaming into the country, he just sets himself up to be laughed at. The most conservative of the Republicans seem to think the number rests at about 1.7 million a month. For the 2024 year, we currently sit at 1.4 million people apprehended for illegally crossing the border (as of September – BBC), and there have been about 10 million “encounters” with migrants since 2021. I can see those numbers being low, but that’s for a whole year, and just under three years, not per month. I would much rather have had him stand there and say, “1.4 million people, your stats say were apprehended, and how many came across without getting caught. Call it 3 million people for this year alone. That’s a travesty!” That would have been a good use of their own numbers, and no one could have “fact checked” him on it because he’d have used their own numbers. And frankly, 3 million people for this year is dismal.

The abortion ban thing was just stupid. It’s turned into a shouting match. “You said you’d ban abortion!” “No I didn’t!” The answer is, no he didn’t say he’d ban abortion. He said he’d consider laws that came to his desk referring to abortions post 20 weeks (ie medical viability). He said he was happy that abortion access went back to the states. He did say something about all legal scholars wanting Roe vs Wade rewritten, which was never going to fly. Again, and again and again, anytime he says “all” or “every” or makes grandiose statements, he gets dinged. Sure, the Right knows he’s just exaggerating… but the Left uses it, weaponizes it, and demonizes him for it. And it needs to fucking stop.

“They have abortion in the ninth month,” he said, before alluding to misconstrued comments by former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. “He said, the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby. In other words, we’ll execute the baby.” (Trump initially misidentified him as the former governor of West Virginia.)

So the above is not correct for Virginia, and is definitely correct for several states (ten states currently do not put any limit on how late an abortion can be done: DC, Alaska, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont – Guttmacher). I have watched several videos of people calling places in those states, asking for 34 week abortions, and getting positive responses. Considering I live beside Vermont, I am considering doing such a call myself, just to see what they say. If I do, I will let you know the results of that call.

The Left will tell you that less than 1% of all abortions are in the third trimester. Without having good numbers and research involved, we can’t really know how many abortions happen in a year, though we often know more about later term abortions than earlier ones. Current research (Pew Research) states that the US sees less than a million abortions a year. I admit, I find that number hard to believe and consider it too low. Considering the fear mongering being engaged in by the Left, I consider that to be under reported by a LOT, but I’ll use that number anyhow. If we assume 930,160 abortions in 2020 (per Guttmacher), 1% of that number is roughly 9302. That is not a small number, no matter how you look at it. The implication that it is less than a percent of the total number of abortions does not make me feel any better. Neither does the current research make me feel better: that post 21 week abortions are being done largely for two factors – new knowledge (ie the mother found out the child had a problem such as Down’s Syndrome or Trisomy 13), and lack of access (by the time they jumped all the hurdles to get an abortion, they were too late to get an abortion except in the ten states mentioned above). (National Library of Medicine)

I don’t think anyone’s being honest about numbers, statistics, or abortion in general. The vast hordes of the Left really have no idea, and are just terrified and whipped up into a fervor over the whole thing. That terror is real, by the way. Every woman I know, knows someone who’s been raped and struggles with the idea that some states would force a woman to carry a child conceived by that rape. It’s an easy thing to use as emotional blackmail. It’s scary. That doesn’t mean we should allow it to dominate our ideals, but it’s something to consider and keep in mind.

In any case, when Trump said, “Just look at the governor, former governor of Virginia. The governor of Virginia said, we put the baby aside, and then we determine what we want to do with the baby…” what he was referring to was a child that survived an abortion attempt. And those DO happen. There are records of it (News Observer). We know it happens, but because of rules like the one Tim Walz put in place in his state, reports of abortion survivors are few and far between. Trump was not talking about having a woman go through a completely normal birth, and then deciding after the fact to kill her child. THAT is not allowed.

When it comes to frakking, Harris just lies all over the place. I don’t need to go into it. We all know Trump will do it, and that’s fine. I’m hoping he’ll see the joy of nuclear energy as well, but we’ll see.

And then there’s gun confiscation. All of us know Harris’s track record on that. Her statement in the debate, about how she and Tim are gun owners and so that means they don’t want to stop gun ownership, is wrong. Any gun laws enacted aren’t going to affect certain classes of people. That’s the problem with gun bans, after all.

Okay, I made it this far and I have to stop. I’m getting angry all over again. But hopefully some of this is of interest.


8 responses to “Fact Checking the Debate”

  1. curby Avatar

    all harris has to run on is freedom to kill babies, giving away YOUR money and forced removal of We the People’s Second Amendment rights. evil people
    I have removed myself from political crap. its ALL crap. distraction and lies.
    IF We the People don’t win, we are in for a fight. whose going to step up???

  2. Birdog357 Avatar

    “I have not, to date, seen any evidence that Haitians are eating pets. I have heard anecdotal evidence from people saying their pets were found dead under mysterious circumstances, but they don’t appear to have been eaten.”

    There is video of a dude grilling cats in Dayton, which is near Springfield. Reporter Chris Rufo went and found that exact place, and the grill and started asking around and people that live there confirmed it was indeed happening.

    1. Do you happen to have the video by any chance? I have seen enough videos and reports of geese and ducks and such being eaten, but not pets. Of course, there’s also the fact that Springfield used to have a very large feral cat problem… and no longer does.

        1. Hm. I don’t consider that video to be “proof”. It’s pretty vague. I did go and scan the substack info, which was interesting. However, without actual information that can be checked. At the moment, no matter how convinced Christopher is, it’s just hearsay. I hate saying that, but it is what it is. He made WAY too many assumptions. For instance, he states that because the animal on the grill is laying as it is, displaying four legs, that means it isn’t a chicken or other fowl, and therefore it must be a cat. No. For example, here’s a guinea pig on a grill: … Looks just like what’s on the grill in that image. Beyond that, the video is so poor that I can’t honestly tell what it is. It could be any number of quadrupeds, but definitely not fowl of any kind.

          As noted by others, I’m not disputing that the migrants are eating stuff that we Americans don’t normally eat (and I say normally, because I will be honest, if I’d passed that cart in NYC I sure would have tried the guinea pig lol). I’m not disputing that they’re eating all sorts of stuff. There’s plenty of proof out there. I just don’t accept that video as proof. Evidence, yes, but not proof.

          Thank you for sharing it, though. It’s just another notch in that belt.

  3. CBMTTek Avatar

    January 6th is the new version of “When did you stop beating your wife?”

    There is no response from Trump that would not draw criticism. And yes, even under those conditions, Trump did not give a very good response.

    The fact checking by the moderators elevated them to active participants in the debate. And, neither candidate called them out on it. Seriously, if Trump had challenged them to explain why they are participating in the debate, it would have been legendary.

    Speaking of Trump, his campaign needs to have him wear a shock collar, and give that button a serious push every time he says “it’s like no one has ever seen before” and ” the best ever…” until he stops saying that every sentence.

    Finally, the cats/dogs are not the issue, and Trump screwed up big time bringing it up. He gave the MSM a perfect red herring to distract everyone away from the real issue which is unrestricted immigration of people who do not share American values. A nation cannot stand without some unity.

    France, Italy, Spain, etc… have all been nations with (relatively) stable borders for centuries. Why? Because the people in those countries are French, Italian, Spanish, not multicultural. Even the US, which is a country of immigrants, use to expect their new arrivals to adopt US norms. The leftists are actively trying to destroy that by demanding we, the citizens of the USA, discard our national identity to accommodate immigrants. (See what is going on in the UK as an example of where this is going.)

    1. Yeah, I’m with you on the shock collar. It’s a UGE failing of his. *sigh* I know he’s just messing around, and it’s his way of talking, but man does it give the opposition ammunition.

      As to the cats and dogs thing… as with Johnson and his Allepo gaffe, at least people now know of and are aware of Springfield Ohio. I know I wasn’t. I didn’t know the plight of those folks. No other comment Trump could have made, would have ended up with hundreds of thousands of people jumping to look up Springfield OH to debunk him. Instead, they found many horrifying stories, all of which are now getting air time. Sure it’s prefaced by “no they aren’t eating cats and dogs” but at least it’s getting air time.

      1. CBMTTek Avatar

        “There is no such thing as bad publicity”

        But, too bad the news is overlooking the crime and disruption caused by this influx, and focusing on cats and dogs.

        No doubt, it was a two edged sword.

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