Bird nest with one feather on straw, empty abandoned bird nest made of branches and straw, close up view. Empty avian cup nest of big bird with feather inside, bird migration to another continent

An Empty Nest

Today is different. It is challenging to put into words what is different. I know what has changed, but finding the words is difficult.

More than 36 years ago, I was sitting in an operating room as a doctor was cutting my wife’s belly open. I was in scrubs, looking and feeling out of place.

I had informed the doctor ahead of time that if there was a choice to be made between saving my wife or my child that my wife would take priority.

My child was six months early. She is now a successful mid to upper manager in a large corporation.

My second set of children came before my oldest graduated from middle school.

Today, my youngest children, twins, start classes at University.

The house seems quiet. Their spoor is being quietly removed from the public areas, reviling my mess/spoor.

I have been informed that there will be cleaning done. That I will be moving my “stuff” out of common areas and into my areas.

I’m both sad for the silence in the house. I’m also at a loss. This is the first day in over 36 years when my children were not a major part of any decision I made.


One response to “An Empty Nest”

  1. Slow Joe Crow Avatar
    Slow Joe Crow

    I share some of that, our youngest moved out on Sunday, no child for the fist time in 26 years. I feel a mixture of relief and emptiness and hope there will be no boomerang. I will have to visit the Portland area more often but at least I can avoid the city since they live in the outer suburbs. .