a sign that says secret with a woman in front shushing

I’m Secretive…

I had an interesting interaction today (I wrote this on Tuesday, July 23). An acquaintance posted this:

image of text about JD Vance

Now, I don’t know that much about Vance. I knew he was a vet, and that he wrote a really popular book, and that he was very against Trump until relatively recently. Being me, I went and looked this up. Is Vance selling out American farmland to foreign investors?

The short answer is, sort of. The long answer is, not really. In my reading, I found out that there are a few properties in Ohio that have gone to foreign investors, but that those properties come with a price. It’s a real price – very high taxes which go to support US owned farmland in Ohio. Now, my understanding of what I was reading is that Vance wants to keep all American property American, and he’s suggested bills in that vein. But being unable to enact those bills NOW, he’s doing the next best thing and making foreign ownership of Ohio farmland very expensive, and lucrative for Ohio farmers.

I shared a couple of articles (one from DNT.com, and another from ocj.com) that explain Vance’s opinion on farmland, and what the Ohio people think of him (since he’s from there, and those are the people most likely to know him well). I got some fascinating responses. The original poster said that Vance was using AcreTrader to make millions of dollars off of foreign investors (untrue… AcreTrader doesn’t sell to foreign investors at all). Essentially, what I got from her responses was that if someone is making money off of something, then it doesn’t matter if it’s good for the environment, frees the slaves, or ends world hunger… it just doesn’t count.

Other people chimed in. The OP asked if I supported Vance, and I responded that I didn’t really know yet, as I hadn’t done due diligence in investigating him. I didn’t bother explaining that it doesn’t really matter if I support him or not, because I don’t get to dictate VP choices to the Republican party. I didn’t think it would matter. Check this out:

screenshot of conversation with names blanked out Money, power, hubris, and self interest. I found that one interesting. I don’t see the problem with money or power, and I have a health self interest myself, so I can’t really complain about it in others. I don’t know Vance well enough to say if he’s engaging in hubris, but that’s one of those things that usually takes care of itself over time. Then the random insert: Kyle Rittenhouse.

Now, I DO know about Kyle. I like the kid, and I feel like he had to go through an awful lot in a very short amount of time. He was underage, and he probably shouldn’t have been there. As a parent, I would not have allowed my kids to go to what I knew was going to be a riot. But that’s me, and his parents are doing their thing, and considering how polite and well spoken Kyle is, I guess they’re doing pretty well. The kid apparently was putting out dumpster fires and rendering first aid to people before he was attacked and forced to defend himself with deadly force. His attackers played stupid games, and won stupid prizes. *shrug* Regardless of everything else, Kyle was acquitted on all counts. He was found not guilty. The same court system found Trump guilty, and the Left is okay with that finding. But they’re not okay with Kyle’s finding. Me, I want to see more Kyle’s in the world. The kid had more calm and focus that night than most adults in that situation.

I was not about to explain why Kyle wasn’t a bad person to this group. I reported one comment and blocked the person who made it (it isn’t reflected in the above screenshot because I reported the comment for encouraging violence and I guess FB took it down). I realized this was not a place where I was going to convince anyone of anything, so I just walked out the door.

That’s when I discovered the secret to making Leftists go absolutely ape shit. I swear, guys, I didn’t do this on purpose, but here it is.

I left. I said “hey, we’re talking at cross purposes, I’m out of here.” No drama, no messing on other people’s walls. I think that’s crass and there’s no reason for it. If it had been grievous enough, I’d have moved over to my own wall to talk, because that’s *my* virtual living room, and I can say what I want. I don’t mess in other people’s virtual living rooms though. That last commenter in the screenshot above? He paged me because I didn’t answer him.

He asked in PM to explain what there was to like about Kyle. I encouraged him to do his own research and form his own opinions, and reiterated that I wasn’t there to attempt to change his mind. I had only gone there to present facts, not opinions. He started to get irritated because I wouldn’t engage. Apparently, my not pushing my opinion down his throat was me “being secretive” and “unsure of the basis of my own stance.” I returned to my original statement, that he was welcome to his opinion and that he should form it himself based on his own research, and stated I was not interested in political debate with anyone. It had nothing to do with secrecy and everything to do with not engaging in fruitless arguments that only leave people feeling grumpy.

I’ve been watching the little dot indicator that says he’s typing something. It’s been flickering on and off for a while now. I think maybe his (her?) brain is circling down the drain…

So, if you want to cause a Leftist to break, simply don’t engage. I’m actually kind of enjoying watching the internal meltdown. Does that make me a bad person?


7 responses to “I’m Secretive…”

  1. CBMTTek Avatar

    One thing I have noticed about the folks on the left, they HAVE to be right. It is in their genetic makeup or something. I even had one tell me (not kidding) they were going to believe the hard working journalists at Politico over the Whitehouse.gov web page. (Discussion was over the deficit/debt). Yeah. This individual was so convinced that Clinton erased the debt and Bush Jr. drove it back up to $10T that he actually refused to look at a/the official US Government source for that information.

    However, that is not a trait that is exclusive to the folks on the left, but it seems to be a lot more evident and prevalent. Headlines seem to be enough for them to make an opinion, whereas folks on the right seem a bit more skeptical when the headline seems… not quite right.

  2. heh heh, nice.. I refuse to engage any liberals in anything…. its like trying to reason with a toddler or herding cats..
    life is way more peaceful this way..

    1. I generally don’t engage, these days. When I was younger, I let myself be drawn into way too many arguments. These days I just smile and say, “No problem. The Constitution guarantees your right to be wrong.” Then I walk off. 🙂

  3. Anonymous Coward Avatar
    Anonymous Coward

    Thank you for providing the secret sauce for blue screening leftoids. The only thing more satisfying is when a Tumblr user loses an argument and rage quits, because Tumblr will show user deleted date on their comments forever.

  4. Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. They are utterly immune to facts, logic and reason.
    All you can do is identify them and then avoid them. A few of them can be “converted” to reality but it usually requires a massive, personally painful experience for that to happen. Most are beyond salvage.

    1. I was one of the idiots, so I will engage *sometimes*. It depends a lot on the situation, and the person. I don’t get into it with random strangers, that’s for sure. When it is a friend or acquaintance, I’ll give it a go gently, but I really am not interested in “converting” anyone.

      Because of my personal background, I am VERY against lying. The kids could murder someone and I’d be disappointed but deal, but if they lied to me, that was just it. Life was over. It’s my only hard and fast rule: don’t fucking lie to me. So if I see lies (or someone passing along or perpetuating a lie), I will correct them. I never do so without a thwack of paperwork to back me up, though, because if I haven’t done due diligence, then it’s just my opinion against theirs. The times I do speak up, I *know* I’m right. If they choose to ignore that, so be it. I am not the Idiot Whisperer. 😉

  5. it's but Boris Avatar
    it’s but Boris

    I’ve noticed something similar: for the behaviour / idea / opinion du jour being pushed by the Progressive Left, it is not enough to simply acquiesce, or to have no opinion. No, you have to be actively for it, or you’re accused of being against it.

    For instance, let’s take, oh, the color of Oreo fillings. Somebody wants it changed to puce. I don’t care one way or the other; among other things I don’t eat Oreos. But if I say I don’t care what color the filling is … all of the sudden I’m a bigot, a puce-hater, a white filling supremacist, and worse.

    (Side note, that is in fact a good way to get me to form an opinion…)