FBEL – Biden’s Fans…

several brains in a row

I’m going to carefully report from the Left side of the line today. I don’t like it. I’ll officially say I like it a lot less than I like reporting Right stuff to Left friends. It feels a lot more dangerous. Still, here I am, the designated person reporting “from behind enemy lines.”

I didn’t watch the debate between Biden and Trump. I don’t like listening to either of them talk, for very different reasons. I caught the media backlash, of course, and I did watch bits and pieces that various pundits felt were important. I watched enough bits to know that saying “Trump won” was sort of like saying “guns fire bullets.” No shit, Sherlock.

The media even stepped up on this one. Mainstream media (CNN, CBS, ABC, etc.) all said basically the same thing: Biden is old, and now we can see it, and gee those Dems have been hiding it really well for the past few years. But let’s get real here… even MOTHER JONES said Trump won that one.

It wasn’t a fair contest. Trump, while I still dislike him on a personal level, is not feeble. He’s brash, energetic, and on point. I don’t have to like him to admit that he answered most of the questions in fairly plain, honest language. Biden, he had to be led off the stage like a toddler up past his bedtime. I hate that the Left is engaging in the level of elder abuse that they are. It’s disturbing, and wrong.

But all the above… is nothing compared to what I’ve seen on FB this week from people that I am “FB friends” with. You can check these out or not.

  • Isaiah Martin says, paraphrased, we all knew Biden was old, but Trump is an existential threat.
  • A meme: Just because you think Alfred is too old to take care of the BatCave, you don’t replace him with the Joker.
  • Occupy Democrats says Biden should use his “newfound presidential immunity” to add four new seats to the Supreme Court and a bunch of other things.
  • An acquaintance said this (and I’m withholding their name): “Let me spell this out for those in the back: Trump v Hillary was choosing vomiting or Diarrhea. Trump v Biden is choosing stage 4 cancer or mild heartburn. Do not get it twisted.”

I can’t even. I keep hearing things along the line of, “Yeah, okay so Biden is senile and half dead, but at least he isn’t Trump!” And that, well, this isn’t about the presidency, it’s about the country as a whole and that if Trump gets in again, the gays will all be in concentration camps and women will become walking incubators.

Y’all… I need you to understand, no matter how hard it is for you… the Left who are saying this stuff, they really believe it. They actually believe that Biden will be okay, that his advisors will keep him propped up and animatronic no matter what. They would rather participate in the physical and mental abuse of a decrepit old man, than make another choice. And that really is what they’re saying. They want Biden, no matter what. They don’t want to think about anyone else in Biden’s place. They definitely don’t want Harris in there. Michele Obama is probably the closest to a “well, I guess” comment I’ve gotten from some of them. And that’s only because she doesn’t have a penis.

At this point, I believe Trump will win. I believe the Dems will burn their own homes to the ground over it. What I *hope* will happen after the year or two of civil unrest and tantrums (or riots… or both) is that we’ll actually get some decent candidates that can work toward what’s best for the whole country. I think that’s the best I can hope for right now. And boy, it sure feels lonely over here on this fence.


14 responses to “FBEL – Biden’s Fans…”

  1. "Lee N. Field" Avatar
    “Lee N. Field”

    Back in 2016, my voting for DJT was of a “brick through the windshield” vote. That’s something I wish they’d understand. The appeal of someone like Trump is he’s not them.

    I’ve got lots of thoughts, not well articulated.

    1. CBMTTek Avatar

      ” The appeal of someone like Trump is he’s not them.”

      That is exactly it.
      This election is not really about Trump vs. Biden. It is about the US remaining a sovereign nation, versus becoming subservient to the globalists.

      Was there anything that Obama and Biden did in their administrations that was not 100% in line with WEF/COP plans? I cannot think of a single thing.

      Trump said the US is not playing that game any more. And, the US benefitted, while the globalists lost ground.

      If you think 15 minute cities look good for your future, eating bug based “meat” is a good idea, and only being allowed one flight every three years is what you want for your future travel plans, vote Biden. Trump, despite all his flaws, wants the average US Citizen to prosper, to flourish, to make their own choices. O’biden and their ilk want to ensure all luxuries in life belong exclusively to the elites (read that as parasites)

      1. So I’m actually okay with eating meat substitutes (provided I *know* they’re substitutes), and do so by choice. I don’t fly for a wide variety of reasons, so I don’t care about that. Electric cars, now, that’s a concern, especially on the “being green” line. But regardless, I don’t have a problem with those things. I have a problem with those things being the ONLY options. I have a problem with there being NO options.

        I’ll be writing something next week about my feelings and such on Trump and Conservative rule and all that.

  2. Curby Avatar

    fly over America saw a YUGE difference when Trump was in office. We the People are tired of being strangled by hate filled liberals in power. We want Trump because as Lee said above- he aint one of “them”…
    as far as a president who has the Country’s best interests in mind, with the exception of Trump, I don’t think there is a person out there who doesn’t have a political agenda… remains to be seen.. both sides have a lack of honesty…

  3. CBMTTek Avatar

    “And that really is what they’re saying. They want Biden, no matter what.”

    I do not agree with that at all.
    They do not want Trump. Does not matter who is running against Trump, they do not want Trump.

    Ask a Biden supporter to say why they want him in without mentioning Trump, and odds are, they will have a tough time.

    Then cite some of the things Trump wants to do, like secure the border, build a solid economy/stop seeing jobs go overseas, become energy independent, etc… and I will bet they will support them. Mention that is what Trump wants to do, and suddenly it is a problem.

    They do not “want” Biden. They recognize Biden is what the Democrats have, and they absolutely do not want Trump.

    The Presidential election should be about policy, but it has turned into a fight over personality.
    And, we as a nation get what we deserve.

    1. CandyGram4Mongo Avatar

      Just like I wasn’t sure about Trump in 2016 but was dang sure I wanted nothing to do with Hillary. So Trump got my vote and we hoped for the best.

  4. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    I am curious, what feels “more dangerous” about writing this?

    For that matter, why, do you suppose, does it feel dangerous in the first place?

    (Honestly curious here, not a veiled attack. I’m simply having trouble understanding where that’s coming from.)

    1. Birdog357 Avatar

      I have the same question. We on the right tend to not shoot the messenger. And what she reported is what I’ve observed on my own. So it’s not exactly news.

    2. Sorry, phrased it poorly. I meant that reporting Right issues to Left acquaintances is more dangerous (or feels such) than reporting Left issues to the Right. I’m safe here.

      1. Thanks for clearing that up, I was about to post a rant about how only one major group in America has spent the last half decade engaged in a nation-wide campaign of kidnapping, torture, and murder of people who disagree with them, and it isn’t the ‘Right.’

      2. It's just Boris Avatar
        It’s just Boris

        Thank you.

  5. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    Thing is, we’ve heard the “promises” of nationwide abortion bans, death camps, etc., from the left before. None of it materialized in any way shape or form. (To the point there was a joke going around about where are the death camps we were promised?)

    We also saw the Left go from a “we will never will take a Trump vaccine” to a “everyone must take a Biden vaccine” for the exact same product, doing the exact same thing, made by the exact same people.

    It is hard, frankly, for me to take such attitudes seriously. I’ve no doubt those attitudes are there, but I just cannot comprehend the lack of self-awareness implied.

    1. I have a long, probably wandering post to write next week about my concerns and fears over a Trump presidency, so I don’t want to go into it here. But I totally agree with what you’re saying.

      And still, I know people *well* who believe that Trump is so evil that he’ll “magic pen” people into concentration camps on day two. It’s not rhetoric; they actually believe it and fear it.

  6. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    It’s all about the continuation of the Progressive Agenda; the destruction of the concepts of individual liberty and freedom promised to Americans.

    Unless you are an accepted member of the Progressive Elite.

    Trump represents the ideal of what an individual can accomplish if they work to achieve it. That’s antithical to Progressives.