Friday Feedback

It has been a rocky end to the week.  GFZ is closing down.  I will be discussing with Miguel what goes, what stays, how long it is up, what might get archived elsewhere.

Currently, there are two official contributors to this site, Hagar and I. I will be posting under my given name moving forward to help separate the “this is an official blog business post” from “this is a person writing”.

We still have the Illinois PICA cases waiting for cert.  They went back to conference and were heard today.

I apologize for the UGLY site.  Hagar is out doing her reenacting this weekend, I am not the “pretty picture” dude.   We’ll get some pretty pictures up soon enough and the site will look better.

Thank you for coming along for the ride.

Please add a comment if you got this far.  I really need to know that it is worthwhile going forward.


31 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. I, for one, will be looking in.

  2. Glad to see things continue. My best wishes to you, awa, for success and my best to Miguel – I truly appreciate the years of GFZ.

  3. Bookmarking this site. It will become a daily visit, like GFZ is/was.

  4. Will be stopping by often Awa, knew you’d be up and running pronto. Congrats.

  5. Birdog357 Avatar

    I’m glad you’re continuing to blog. I lool for to your insights to the court cases. I wish Miguel would let you continue his blog, the continuity would be valuable.

  6. RufusJ Avatar

    Glad to see this continuity. I’ll be poking my head in to see what’s going on. Thanks for all you do!

  7. SKplumber Avatar

    Yes, it is worthwhile moving forward awa and Hagar. Keep this going, there are many of us who thoroughly enjoyed GFZ and we will continue to enjoy this new blog.

  8. Miguel GFZ Avatar
    Miguel GFZ

    Torch has been passed. You guys have all my support.


    1. It's just Boris Avatar
      It’s just Boris

      If there were a like button…

      (And great. Now I have the theme from “Fiddler on the Roof” running through my head.)

  9. John Fisher Avatar
    John Fisher

    If this is here, I will be as well.

  10. Curby Avatar

    yall keep it up. as I said earlier its the only blog I follow. and “pretty” is not necessary…. Im reminded every time I look in the mirror heh heh..

  11. Elrod Avatar

    I’ll be a regular here, too. Thanks for keeping the flame alive.

  12. Henry Quirk Avatar
    Henry Quirk

    A (mostly) seamless transfer: ?


  13. Twotone Avatar


  14. BobF Avatar

    I don’t care if the walls are nicely painted or not. The reason I was at GFZ, and will be here in the future, is not because of the beauty of the container, but for the content within. Please continue to keep the shelves full of worthwhile material — that is what counts in my book. And, would a small donation assist in he new setup?

    1. I’ll be begging again in a week or so. I have to finish some setup. Thank you so much for the kind offer.

  15. Site bookmarked, hate to see GFZ go, hope the archiving is successful. Goodluck.

  16. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    Bookmarked. Good wishes for success. GFZ was an interesting blog. I don’t contribute to same old, same old.

  17. B.Zh Avatar

    glad to see it continue here. Hopefully Miggy would beking enough to allow an ‘archive’ for those with nostalgia.

    1. B.Zh Avatar

      *be kind enough – no ‘edit’ after submit on this blog!

      1. There is supposed to be. I’m still configuring. It is comming.

  18. Jay Bee Avatar
    Jay Bee

    I’ll be popping in every few days just like I did at GFZ.

  19. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    Made it this far.

    Pictures are nice; but content is key, and simple’n’clean loads faster and works better on the old tablet I do 90% of my browsing on.

    Thanks for getting up and running so quickly. Do, please, point out when the donation features etc. are good to go.

  20. Nukemjim Avatar

    Glad the site lives on with changes. Really enjoyed the legal analysis and many of the other postings. Looking forward to reading

  21. Dave Avatar


  22. Echo Hotel Avatar
    Echo Hotel

    Glad to see y’all are continuing. Will keep visiting per usual.

  23. NC Dave Avatar
    NC Dave

    Great to see you continuing to blog. Best wishes.

  24. BraulerBob Avatar

    Glad to see the blogging continuing, even under a new name. I already have it bookmarked and will be stopping by daily for content.
    Good luck everyone.

  25. ribeye Avatar

    Glad to see that some version of the blog will continue, I look forward to checking in for more legal case analyses, and the rest.

  26. WesleysHuman Avatar

    I’d been a long time reader of the GFZ and looked forward to the legal analysis. I’ll be there

  27. Curby Avatar

    any updates on subscription and how and where us knuckle draggers can sign up?