State of the Blog

Miguel is now officially in semi-retirement. This means we’ll be getting posts from him less often but they will still be spicy and or interesting.

We are in the process of moving the blog. We will be moving it from a private server to a Troglodite Cluster. This will be happening shortly.

Part of that process is copying everything from the current server to the new cluster. This takes a while. During this time the old blog will be live so you can continue reading but all new content will be on the new server. You will be able to tell you are on the new site when the banner changes to include “REGISTER” in the main menu bar:

New Banner For

Once registration is open we look forward to having people sign up. About 2 or 3 weeks after registration is open we will be closing comments to registered users only.

J.Kb, Miguel and I will be working on how we want to do limited distribution content but that will start showing up in the same time period.


6 responses to “State of the Blog”

  1. MiniMe Avatar

    Question: this registration is new & separate from the GFZ Forum, correct?

    1. Correct. This registration/membership is for the blog proper. When it is fully rolled out there will be four tiers.
      1) Commenting (.22 plinker)
      2) Reading members only content and commenting ( .45ACP/9mm Shooter)
      3) Reading members only content, commenting, sending comments to moderation ( 300 Blackout Sniper)
      4) Contributing, reading members only content, commenting, sending comments to moderation, contributing articles.

      1. MiniMe Avatar


  2. Divemedic Avatar

    Will there still be an RSS feed?

    1. If there is currently an RSS feed, that should continue, if there isn’t I’ll add it to the list of things to support.

  3. Will third-party RSS feed apps (e.g. Old Reader, Feedly, etc.) continue to work after the move?