Intended Consequences: RI FFL Devastated By Gun Infringments

Via WPRI: ‘It’s devastating’: RI gun dealer reacts to high-capacity magazine ban

Jeff Goyette was in the process of opening a gun store in Portsmouth RI when the legislature passed three gun infringement bills. One raises the age to legally purchase a firearm from 18 to 21. The second was to ban the open carry of a loaded rifle or shotgun in public (No, this doesn’t mean while hunting). The third, a standard capacity magazine ban, was stopped in committee.

The bill was then pulled from committee to the floor where it passed. It is expected that the Governor will sign the bill.

But for Jeff, all of that just means he is likely going to lose his business.

Goyette is in the process of opening a new retail store in Portsmouth.

“I’ve got my life invested in this shop right now, and I haven’t even finished it,” he said.

Now, the ban on high-capacity magazines has stopped him in his tracks.

“This is hurting the law-abiding citizens, and it’s killing the dealers in this state,” Goyette said.


One response to “Intended Consequences: RI FFL Devastated By Gun Infringments”

  1. Jeff will be vindicated in five or ten years when the US Supreme Court invalidates the Magazine Ban.