Big Changes…

14 years ago came to life. It was started as a way for Miguel to express himself in a world driven by a media narrative of gun control and guns are evil.

Miguel came from a country where freedoms were limited. The right of self-defense was stomped out by the government. It was stomped out until the only people with guns were the government and the gangs approved of by the government.

He found a new life in the United States. He worked hard to become successful and he quickly learned to love his new country. He became a citizen. He learned more about our country than most native born citizens ever do.

And he exercised his rights, with firearm ownership, with carrying his firearms and becoming his own first point of defense. He became vocal and a member of the press with his own blog.

He found a kindred sprite in J.Kb. and the two of them authored over 21 thousand articles over the years.

Three years ago Miguel was having trouble with his website and a reader and frequent contributor to the comments reached out and offered web services. Miguel named him Anonymous Web Angel or AWA.

AWA brought Troglodite Services to the assistance of With the generous donations from you, the readers, he was able to pay for those services.

Shortly there is going to be a transition. Miguel is tired, he is going to take a step back from the running of the site and of being responsible for most of the content on the site.

He is passing that mantel to J.Kb. with the help of AWA.

As part of this process we are going to be trying to get the site to pay for itself. We are not going to use ads as we just can’t find a good ad network that will work with a pro-gun site. Frankly, we hate the sorts of ads that get shoved in front of our readers. Instead we are going to do this with a membership option.

We will be offering different levels of memberships for different options within the site. We are going to make some posts or parts of posts for members only.

  • .22lr – Plinker: Will allow people to make comments on posts
  • .45ACP/9mm – Pistoleer: Will allow member to read any post
  • .330Blackout – Sniper: Will allow member to mark comment for moderation
  • 5.56×45 – Shooter: Will allow member to contribute articles for the site.

Thank you again for being our readers and all you have done to make this blog successful.

Please give us your feedback down below in the comments

Miguel, J.Kb. and AWA


10 responses to “Big Changes…”

  1. NativeTexican Avatar

    One of the first web sites of the day. Having lurked here for years. And i remember when Jkb was brought on as well. I hope Miguel continues to contribute. I’m already missing his posts about the dinosaur in his back yard in Florida. But wish him well in Tennessee.

  2. ” 21 thousand articles over the years”

    Holy crap! That I did not know. No wonder I am tired.

  3. I see…

    So I guess Miguel is focusing on his modeling career? 😀

  4. Curby Avatar

    If it keeps the golldang hackers out Im all for it.. unless of course it costs more than ammo heh heh

  5. Old NFO Avatar
    Old NFO

    Since I’m a .45 guy… lemme know.

    1. I shoot 10mm Auto.

      I feel left out.

      (And yes, I am fully embracing the meme.)

  6. Bad Dancer Avatar
    Bad Dancer

    I appreciate the service and work put into the site over the years. The work behind the scenes to track and post stories and everything else. My budget is extremely tight but if I am able and there is some pay for multiple months at once option instead of only a recurring monthly I’d be willing to rework some things.

    Keep us updated I’m here for the long haul.

    Mr. Miguel you deserve your rest but I hope we’ll still hear from you when you feel up to it.

  7. I’m in.

  8. Matt Avatar

    I’m happy to become a member as long as Miguel gets a bit of anything leftover after costs are covered as an acknowledgement for all his hard work over the years!

  9. 1mrbill2 Avatar

    When will the “Levels of Membership” be detailed?