Category: Skills
Two Factor Authentication
What we are talking about is “authentication.” Authentication is the method of confirming that you are who you say you are. There are three methods to determine authentication: Something only you know Something only you have Something unique about you In the old days, when people carried checkbooks with them and wrote checks for things,…
Password Security/Password Managers
Password Security There are four ways of cracking a password. Guess the password Brute Force the password Go around the password authentication Trick the password from the owner If your password is easy to guess, then it is a weak password. Examples of weak passwords are: password, 1234, YOUR_NAME, BIRTHDAYS. Many things use a four…
The Weekly Feast – Everything Bagel Casserole
I love my bagels. I love everything about them. You could use homemade bagels for this, but if you want to buy them, that makes it SO EASY. This is very much a throw-together meal that could be made the evening before then just heated up in the morning if you’re feeding a crowd. And…
Single Point of Failure?
Resiliency is a goal. I’m not sure if we ever actually reach it. In my configuration, I’ve decided that the loss of a single node should be tolerated. This means that any hardware failure that takes a node of line is considered to be within the redundancy tolerance of the data center. This means that…
What Did I Buy?
In upgrading from copper to fiber, I’ve been exploring the different options and learning as I go. Some learning curves have been steep, others have been “relearning” what I already knew. One of the biggest things I needed to learn is that there are “switches” that are actually “routers”. That was mind-bending. The other is…
Prepping – Turn off the Lights
This is the prime time to test your preparations. Christmas is over, but people are not settled. It’s not “usual” scheduling because kids are off school, and you may be off work. So… Go turn off your power at the main breaker. Why? The answer is that preparation only works if you’re actually… prepared. You…
The Weekly Feast – Jello Cookies
Okay, I made these because they seemed funny and amusing, and very retro. I am making more because they’re also easy and REALLY yummy. They also have a lot less sugar than some of the cookies I’ve seen out there, which is nice. This is based on an early 1970s Jello recipe. Ingredients: 4 cups…
What Time Is It?
I own a pocket watch. It is beautiful, but I don’t use it very often. I know that I own a couple of watches. One of them is a battery powered solar recharging thing. My standard “watch” today is my cell phone. When I was in high school, I was very interested in accurate time…
Prepping – Gift Giving
So last week I wrote about what cool gifts you can find on the internet and beyond, to give as gifts to your favorite prepper. This week I want to talk about making Christmas gifts. There’s a lot of crap out there, people. In the grand scheme of things, do we really need snap lights…
How to you get there from here?
The Internet is a fantastic creature. I’m not speaking of the information you can find on the internet. Nor am I speaking of the entertainment that is available on the Internet. The mere fact that you can ask for information at your desk or on your phone and somehow that request gets there, and the…