Category: Skills

  • A question about upcoming articles.

    Hey all, I’ve been considering a variety of topics for the next few weeks. With spring rapidly coming, I could talk about gardening, and explain how to start seeds indoors, and all the stuff that goes along with making a functioning garden that will provide actual food. I could write about raising chickens (and/or other…

  • The Weekly Feast – Beef Bourguignon

    The Weekly Feast – Beef Bourguignon

    I made this last week. It was rich, delicious, filling, and just the right thing after a long day of moving snow. Ingredients: 3 lbs beef, cut into 1” cubes salt black pepper 1 tbsp oil 1 pkg bacon, cut into small pieces 2 large carrots, peeled, sliced on bias into large chunks 1 large…

  • Another Win: Protecting Second Amendment Rights

    By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered: Section 1. Purpose. The Second Amendment is an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty. It has preserved the right of the American people to protect ourselves, our families, and our freedoms…

  • Prepping – Butchering a Deer

    Prepping – Butchering a Deer

    I know we’re out of season, but this seemed to be a good topic. Butchering applies to all animals, and whether you’re taking something small or large, there’s a level of skill to getting it done. The video is self explanatory, and it’s pretty good. I learned things watching it, and I hope you do,…

  • Tick Tock, The Clock is Done

    Tick Tock, The Clock is Done

    The amount of grief I’ve put up with to get this working buggers imagination. To have a NTP stratum 1 server, you need to have a certain set of capabilities. First, you need a stratum 0 device. This is an atomic clock or a GPS receiver. You need a method to communicate with the GPS…

  • The Weekly Feast – Potato Soup

    The Weekly Feast – Potato Soup

    At this time of year, with the blisteringly cold nights, a pot of hearty potato soup is just the thing to warm you. I love this plain, where I get to enjoy the simple flavors of the potato itself. I also love it “blinged out” with cheese and onions and other delicious additives. It’s super…

  • Prepping – Gardening

    Prepping – Gardening

    When people ask me how much food I have prepped, I always say just about 18 months. It’s an odd number to many, and I often get asked why. The answer is, if the apocalypse begins right in the middle of summer and it’s too late to start planting, that’s the “worst case scenario.” From…

  • The Weekly Feast – Garlic Pull-Apart Bread

    The Weekly Feast – Garlic Pull-Apart Bread

    This stuff is crack. It’s worse than potato chips. You can’t just eat one. They’re so yummy that you won’t be able to help yourself. It can be made with margarine instead of butter and it turns out okay, but if you can digest dairy, use butter. Ingredients for the dough: 1/4 cup warm water…

  • One Step Forward n Steps Back (geek)

    One Step Forward n Steps Back (geek)

    I’ve known about “System On a Chip” and “System On a Board” for many years. I have one of the early embedded software development kits, including some TI chipset. The most common style of these today is likely the Arduino class of SoC. These things are incredible. An idea I pitched years ago, for potential…

  • Prepping – Fitness

    Prepping – Fitness

    I’m writing this while I pant heavily, sitting in my chair at my desk. I’ve just finished cleaning bunny cages and exercising, and I’m dripping with sweat despite it being a mere 58*F in my room. I’m exhausted and aching. I am not fit. I’ve seen this topic touched on a few times in the…