Category: Skills

  • The Weekly Feast – Cookbook Musings

    The Weekly Feast – Cookbook Musings

    Some of you may have guessed that I like to collect cookbooks, in addition to writing them. I have, for a very long time, been interested in historical cookbooks. In particular, I like original recipes, even if the physical book I have is a reprint. One of the cookbooks I treasure most in my collection…

  • AAR – Show and Tell at the Fort at #4

    AAR – Show and Tell at the Fort at #4

    It was a beautiful day for a visit to the Fort. You all would have had a chuckle if you had seen me. Remember the movie True Grit with John Wayne and Glen Campbell? Mattie Ross wore a black hat. That is the hat I felt I was wearing yesterday. Except mine didn’t have a…

  • Show and Tell At the Fort!

    Show and Tell At the Fort!

    I’m up at the Fort with Ally and my wife. They are having a show and tell. She picked out the garb to wear, and I have my black felt hat. Originally, I intended to do some wood working, but that is currently on hold until I get some raw lumber. The lathe needs bracing…

  • Prepping – Shelter

    Prepping – Shelter

    I’ve talked about bugging in versus bugging out. I haven’t talked much about long-term bugging out, mostly because I’m not suited to it. Frankly, I don’t think most people are, despite their desires. In any case, it’s not something I could do for a long time, so there is no point in planning for it.…

  • Preparing is about skills

    Image from Sheep To Shawl Competition What they did may we not do? And even better, for are we not armed with ages of superior knowledge, and have we not the means of protection, defense, and sustenance which science has given us, but of which they were totally ignorant? What they accomplished, Alice, with instruments…

  • The Weekly Feast – Cassoulet Vert

    The Weekly Feast – Cassoulet Vert

    Cassoulet Vert is one of those fancy French dishes that has the look and feel of a delicacy. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to make, and it’s incredibly tasty as well. If you make this one, cook it in a big pot but serve it in individual bowls. The presentation makes it look like you’ve worked…

  • Prepping – Being Ready

    Prepping – Being Ready

    Picture this: The worst case happens. Trump wins, the Dems create complete havoc, and the country loses large portions of its infrastructure. Unknown agents provocateurs have managed to take down the cell system and the power grid. The grocery stores are empty, and what’s left of the government is having issues getting FEMA where it…

  • The Weekly Feast – Stewed Chicken with Vegetables

    The Weekly Feast – Stewed Chicken with Vegetables

    This is what I served up to our volunteer historical interpreters this weekend. On Saturday, it was served up as a stew, and on Sunday I turned it into a lovely chicken soup. This is one of those early fall recipes that sticks to your ribs, is simple enough to throw together anytime, and delicious…

  • Pasta!


    Americans know pasta. We eat tons of it every day. Of course, most of that is pretty boring or down right nasty stuff that comes from a box. I know that my childhood was replete with box after box of Kraft’s Mac and Cheese. Bring your water to a boil, dump in the box of…

  • Stealing Pies

    Stealing Pies

    There is this trope in story telling of the vagrant, hobo, bum, or cartoon character steeling a pie from a windowsill. It is good story telling. But, in my opinion, we forget what is actually happening. We can go to the supermarket and buy a decent, almost edible, pie for 5 dollars or so. We…