Category: Skills
The Weekly Feast – Turmeric Meatballs
Meatballs are the ultimate feast food, in my opinion. There are as many ways to make them as there are cooks, and maybe more. This recipe was created based upon a video by Country Life Vlog in Azerbaijan, Turkey. While Aziza (the cook) doesn’t give you amounts or any real instructions, I pieced this together…
Tick Tock, More Clock Stuff
There are two network time protocols in use today. One is the NTP protocol, the other is PTP. I have no idea what the PTP looks like, I know that it requires hardware support. The goal of NTP is to create a local clock that is accurate to less than 1ms from sources that have…
Prepping – Disease
Mask mandates probably weren’t the best thing out there, but I’ve seen enough evidence to know that masks do help stop the transmission of many illnesses. Vaccine mandates probably aren’t the best thing out there, but a lot of long-standing vaccines are the reason we don’t have people in iron lungs anymore. Disease and illness…
The Weekly Feast – Oyster Soup
“In all her life Laura had never tasted anything so good as that savory, fragrant, sea-tasting hot milk, with golden dots of melted cream and black specks of pepper on its top, and the little dark canned oysters at its bottom. She sipped slowly, slowly from her spoon, to keep that taste going over her…
It’s Late, Nerd Babble/status
We are in the process of moving from the image above to the image below. At least in terms of what the infrastructure looks like. Today I decommissioned an EdgeRouter 4 which features a “fanless router with a four-core, 1 GHz MIPS64 processor, 3 1Gbit RJ45 ports, and 1G SFP port.” When they say “MIPS64”…
Prepping – The Grey Man
We’ve used the term “grey man” a few times over the last couple of years. There’s been a bit of debate over what it is, how useful it is, and when to use it. I wanted to address a bit of that. For me at least, the “grey man” is the person who just blends…
The Weekly Feast – Paprikás Krumpli
My father taught me this recipe just before I moved out of the house, and he learned it from his mother, my Nagymama (Hungarian for grandmother). It’s one of those stick to your ribs recipes, and can be made with a variety of ingredients. This is the base recipe, and I’ve included some additions at…
What time is it?
I have hundreds of dollars worth of GPS equipment. Not counting the cell phones we all carry with us. I wanted to try to create a Stratum 0 NTP clock. The last time I attempted this, I used a Garmin handheld GPS. Time to sync was in minutes and while the power draw as trivial,…
The Guessing Game. Guessing Passwords
My wife read my article on passwords and “got it”. Which is nice. I was attempting to explain how password crackers use rule sets to modify input dictionaries to create more guesses from a single word list. I decided to see how much things have advanced. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.…
Prepping – Security
Security is a concept that Chris talks about a lot in his computer babble. I want to talk about a different kind of security, though. Prepping security is a multi-layered woven mess of gods-only-know-what. Still, it’s vitally important to untangle the knots and figure out what you’ll do should shit go south. The first aspect…