Category: BLOG

  • Friday Feedback

    Friday Feedback



    Another week has gone by. The world is still here. In an astonishing turn of events, the attempted assassination of Trump is no longer in the news. Instead, all the talk is about the Democrat’s selected, presidential nominee. Amazing. X is all a tweet over how Joe’s appearance keeps changing. The one that made me…

  • Friday Feedback



    The big news of the week is, of course, that somebody got close enough to Trump to make a real attempt to kill him. This has opened up a floodgate of horrible responses from people on the rightleft. Listening to Allyson drop people from her friends list on social media has been almost terrifying in…

  • Friday Feedback

    Friday Feedback



    The weekend is upon us, just a few more hours. Allyson is off at another event. This time as a vendor, selling her cookbooks, and having fun. The blue-haired fairie is with her, they are going to have a grand time. On the nerd side of things, I am in the processing of ditching AWS.…

  • Friday Feedback

    I am so pleased that Ally has stepped up her postings. It helps me keep going. I’ve had way to many 503 errors recently. This is the service is temporarily unavailable error message. At issue is a resource allocation problem. I’ve added a couple of new sites to the mix, added a mail service, and…

  • Ooops!



    There are days… I accidentally deleted The Vine of Liberty k8s deployment. I’ll have to make some updates, but I’m working on it. Sorry, AWA

  • Hello, I’m me – an introduction post.

    If you’re coming here from GFZ, you may already know me. Over there, I used the nickname Hagar, because I was very unsure about posting when AWA first asked me to do so. I’m certainly farther left than most people reading this blog, but I’m definitely not “Left.” I’m not “Right” either, though I do…

  • Blog Status



    Ok, Ok, I know it’s not there yet. Thank you so much, everybody, for your support. Base functionality is here. I’ve done no theming yet. I had all the security plugins up and running before the site opened. I’m working towards getting the rest configured. The site is supposed to have an edit option. I…

  • Hello and Welcome



    For those of you coming from,  thank you for following us here. Miguel has kindly allowed us to forward GFZ to The Vine of Liberty. The story of why GFZ shutdown is below the fold.