Author: Chris Johnson
The Silence
Ally has an event at the Fort this weekend. I drove her up Friday to stay the next two nights. We arrived after dark. The moon was bright, the skies clear. Ordinarily, visiting the fort is stepping back into a bustling place where I have so much to do. Tonight it was silence. There was…
Hopefully, a short one. I’ve been accused of reacting quickly to situations. Mostly, this is a result of anticipating different situations and making a plan, long before anything happens. I used to need to walk about a mile from where I parked to the office. This meant I had to carry my briefcase, with “extras”,…
Are you Standing?
During the dark days before Heller, the rogue inferior courts, like the Ninth Circuit, came to the consensus that the phrase “a well regulated militia” was more indicative of who had the right to keep and bear arms than “the right of the people”. The result of this piece of stupidity was that we, The…
One Step Forward, ??? Steps Back
Networking used to be simple. It is unclear to me why I think that. Maybe because when I started all of this, it was simple. Networks are broken down into two major classes, Point-to-Point (P2P) or broadcast. When you transmit on a P2P port, the data goes to a dedicated port on the other side…
How Could You Vote For a Convicted Felon?
I have a friend who voted for Kamala. He is an intelligent person. Reasonably educated, firearms guy. I like talking to him and hanging with him. We don’t talk politics because politics stresses him. I didn’t know he was voting for until recently. I got about ten minutes of his time and asked him if…
Emotional Blackmail
Blackmail is a nasty thing. It is about exposing secrets. If you don’t give me what I want, I will expose your dirty little secret. When you look at American traitors, spying for our advisories, you find that most, if not all of them, were bought off for dirt cheap. What would happen is that…
If Only You Weren’t …
Willful incel stupid You would have voted for Kamala. But you are a stupid incel, so Trump is president-elect. racist It isn’t Democrat messaging that caused people to turn away from Kamala in droves, no, it was you were racist. Against the woman who can’t figure out if she black, brown, Indian, or something else.…
Dank Brandon addresses the nation
Sound up 😩 — Sara Rose 🇺🇸🌹 (@saras76) November 6, 2024
That was a rocky ride
The last four years have been a shitshow. On the first day of Harris’s term as VP, Joe started signing executive orders to undo what Trump had accomplished. Since that day, I’ve heard nothing but hate from the left with lies, more lies, and still more lies. This article will be updated after we know…