Author: Chris Johnson

  • An Empty Nest

    An Empty Nest

    Today is different. It is challenging to put into words what is different. I know what has changed, but finding the words is difficult. More than 36 years ago, I was sitting in an operating room as a doctor was cutting my wife’s belly open. I was in scrubs, looking and feeling out of place.…

  • High Availability Services

    High Availability Services

    People get very upset when they go to visit Amazon, Netflix, or just their favorite gun blog and the site is down. This happens when a site is not configured with high availability in mind. The gist is that we do not want to have a single point of failure, anywhere in the system. To…

  • For Lack of (nerd post)

    For Lack of (nerd post)

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceivebe a system admin I’ve been deep into a learning curve for the last couple of months, broken by required trips to see dad before he passes. The issue at hand is that I need to reduce our infrastructure costs. They are out…

  • Circuit Judge Lawrence VanDyke

    Circuit Judge Lawrence VanDyke

    “What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?” In the Ninth Circuit, if a panel upholds a party’s Second Amendment rights, it follows automatically that the case will be taken en banc. This case bends to that law. I…

  • U.S.A. v. Jackson

    U.S.A. v. Jackson

    One of the hard things to accept is that so many inferior courts think that when a case is vacated and remanded, it isn’t for good reason. The courts speak in polite ways. You don’t call out a judge for being an idiot. No matter how often they open their mouth to remove all doubt.…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    We are watching The Inside Man. They have a version of this which I wish I could find. Regardless, a powerful message.

  • When the Arguments Are that Bad: Nguyen v. Bonta

    When the Arguments Are that Bad: Nguyen v. Bonta

    This case involves California’s one gun per month infringement. On Dec 18, 2020, nearly 4 years ago, Michelle Nguyen and others filed a complaint against Xavier Becerra, the Attorney General of California asking for injunctive and declaratory relief. Because this happened before the Bruen opinion issued, it is couched in terms of Heller and levels…

  • Pasta!


    Americans know pasta. We eat tons of it every day. Of course, most of that is pretty boring or down right nasty stuff that comes from a box. I know that my childhood was replete with box after box of Kraft’s Mac and Cheese. Bring your water to a boil, dump in the box of…

  • Stealing Pies

    Stealing Pies

    There is this trope in story telling of the vagrant, hobo, bum, or cartoon character steeling a pie from a windowsill. It is good story telling. But, in my opinion, we forget what is actually happening. We can go to the supermarket and buy a decent, almost edible, pie for 5 dollars or so. We…

  • The Education Industry

    The Education Industry

    My wife is a teacher. She is a darn good teacher. She has a couple of masters, is working on another, besides having a bachelors. She is constantly doing continuing education classes. For years, I would talk about The Teachers Union in a negative light. She took that as a personal attack because she is…