Author: Chris Johnson

  • It’s Late, Nerd Babble/status

    It’s Late, Nerd Babble/status

    We are in the process of moving from the image above to the image below. At least in terms of what the infrastructure looks like. Today I decommissioned an EdgeRouter 4 which features a “fanless router with a four-core, 1 GHz MIPS64 processor, 3 1Gbit RJ45 ports, and 1G SFP port.” When they say “MIPS64”…

  • Writing as a job

    Writing as a job

    Allyson is a published author. I am a published author. She works at writing. I was told to write, I did, they published it. When I decided to keep alive, I tried to post multiple times per day. I quickly burned out. Today I have a schedule of once per day, with extras when…

  • Target: Low Information Voters

    Target: Low Information Voters

    Senator Warren is using misleading language to make her base angry at the rich. Never mind that she has become wealth from being a Senator. Social Security is supposed to be “forced” savings. The government decided that we could not be trusted with our own retirement funds. Instead, they took money from us, during our…

  • Hudson v. District of Columbia

    Hudson v. District of Columbia

    This is the type of case we want the Supreme Court to slap down. The district judge’s analysis is based on a twisted view of Heller as affirmed by Bruen. In Heller, the Court said that weapons that are most useful in military service, or at least that’s how the district court quoted it. It…

  • How good is your ability to read tea leaves? Watching SCOTUS

    How good is your ability to read tea leaves? Watching SCOTUS

    John of was kind enough to post a link back to us and to quote The Game is On! SCOTUS update He expressed a bit of skepticism. John is skeptical because nobody knows what is going to happen in Supreme Court conferences. It is all “reading the tea leaves”. The black box which is…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    There is a light at the end of this tunnel. I think that I might have the new router up and running tomorrow. I’ll be turning down two servers. Many good things happening.

  • The Game is On!  SCOTUS update

    The Game is On! SCOTUS update

    As of January 6th, we are on deck for THREE Second Amendment cases to be evaluated by the Supreme Court. On January 10th, the justices will discuss all three cases, Ocean State Tactical, Snope, and Gray. On the following Monday, or Tuesday, they will issue their orders. The Court can: Grant Cert. Deny Cert. Relist…

  • What time is it?

    What time is it?

    I have hundreds of dollars worth of GPS equipment. Not counting the cell phones we all carry with us. I wanted to try to create a Stratum 0 NTP clock. The last time I attempted this, I used a Garmin handheld GPS. Time to sync was in minutes and while the power draw as trivial,…

  • Things that make you go Hmmm?

    Things that make you go Hmmm?

    For the most part, I’ve stopped writing or reporting on “mass shootings”. They happen. My initial takes are normally wrong. The information that we are fed is designed to tell a story. I hate being a conspiracy guy. My biggest error, so far, has been my initial analysis of the Trump shooting. Having said that,…

  • The Guessing Game.  Guessing Passwords

    The Guessing Game. Guessing Passwords

    My wife read my article on passwords and “got it”. Which is nice. I was attempting to explain how password crackers use rule sets to modify input dictionaries to create more guesses from a single word list. I decided to see how much things have advanced. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.…