Author: Chris Johnson
Tuesday Tunes
Sexual assault is a real thing. It happens, way too often. It is likely underreported. The statistics on sexual assault can’t be trusted due to this. In high school, we had to do a mock trial. Because I knew the District Attorney for the area, I spoke to him and asked if he could provide…
Are Those Level 4 Plates? (I wish, Nerd Bable)
Sunday was supposed to be the day I migrated a couple of machines. I have a new physical device which is described as a Level 2 switch with SFP+ ports. The idea is to replace my small mixed routers, 2 SFP+ ports plus some RJ45 ports with either a L2 SFP+ only switch or an…
Why Is It So Slow? Or How Many Bottlenecks?
My mentor, Mike, use to say “There is always a bottleneck.” What he meant by this, was that for any system, there will be a place which limits the throughput. If you can find, and eliminate, that bottleneck, then you can improve the performance of the system. Which will then slam into the next bottleneck.…
Big Mac Index
One of the most difficult tasks economists have is to judge the cost of things. If I’m paying $3/dozen for eggs and you are paying $1/dozen, do your eggs or mine cost more? This gets even more complex when you start to consider currency differences. When I’m discussing past prices, I like to convert the…
Unburdened by what has been
Conversations with friends can be difficult. One of my friends is burdened by the inequity of the world. Because he is conservative and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, his issues with inequity are putting him in serious mental anguish. What Has Been You struck out, westward, when you found a place to your…
Something SIGnificant
Monday, I had an opportunity to visit the SIG Academy/SIG Experience Center. In the late 70s, I had a chance to visit NYC for the first time. That feeling of awe, looking up at the skyscrapers. Trying hard not to have pidgin droppings fall into our open mouths. That is sort of how I felt…
Tuesday Tunes
Image you are a school bus driver. You’ve just picked up a load full of elementary school students to take them home. And they start singing “Joy To The World.” Every. Single. Day. That is how we tortured our bus driver.
Getting Old
I’ve had a slow leak in the right front wheel of my truck for the last year. When I went to have it fixed, I found that it wasn’t the tire. It was the wheel that was leaking. Leaking tire? $20. Leaking wheel? $150+ Well, that slow leak isn’t slow anymore. Ally asked for a…
Extant, Reproduction, Good Enough
Doing work at the Fort is wonderful. It is also an exercise in interpreting what you are seeing vs what you expect to see. When you look at the different items in the Fort, it is often surprising to find that they are “modern” items. We laugh when people pick up the wooden cup because…
The Silence
Ally has an event at the Fort this weekend. I drove her up Friday to stay the next two nights. We arrived after dark. The moon was bright, the skies clear. Ordinarily, visiting the fort is stepping back into a bustling place where I have so much to do. Tonight it was silence. There was…