I’m behind enemy lines, and I don’t like it. SIGH
So as a member of the renaissance faire community, a lot of my acquaintances and many of my friends are to the Left. Since I’m selling my goods to them, I have a reason to keep politics out of my social media, and out of my business. I’m a firm believer that no one should do political stuff at their business… you’re there to sell stuff, not stump for your favorite politician. Do that on your own time. But I digress.
I can’t just “be Right.” This puts me in a very uncomfortable spot. I suppose it’s useful for Vine, because I can bring information over here and let you know what’s being said off to the Left of social media, but I still don’t like it. This morning, it was everyone talking about how “the gays” will need to go back into the closet, and “I’m not going back into a closet!” Felicia, I don’t believe anyone told you to go into a closet, and Trump isn’t anti-gay, and has NEVER been anti-gay. But whatever.
There’s this need to lump sexual orientation (gay, lesbian, and bisexual) in with gender orientation (girl, boy, undefined). It’s how we ended up with LGBTQIA+++ instead of the original LGBT. Many of the gay folk and the “I changed gender because I had to, and I’ve stayed under the damn radar and WANT TO CONTINUE staying under the radar” crowd are pissed as hell with the TQIA+++ folks, because they’ve ruined a lot of stuff that the older people have worked damn hard for.
So when Trump said his bit about the government recognizing only two genders, male and female, I knew what he was talking about. His executive order on the topic, Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism…, is very explicit. Forms, specifically government forms, will list biological sex. I can see that there may be some issues going forward, with long-standing people who changed their gender (not sex) many years ago and have been living discreetly and happily as the gender they’ve chosen, are suddenly being forced to change all their paperwork. It may be that the order will be understood to ignore those few people who sincerely make the transition. I like to think so. But nothing in the order says people can’t choose to be whoever and whatever they are. It just says that for government and federal forms (which include medical ones) and for single-sex spaces like changing rooms and bathrooms, biological sex will be more important. Again, this may be a problem for a few people who are well integrated into society in their new gender… I suspect no one is upset about a biological male who looks like, acts like, walks like, and sits to pee like a woman using a woman’s bathroom. We’re upset about bearded individuals with intact male genitalia hanging out, changing with our teen girls.
But people on the Left have grabbed onto that and are in a froth. I am not.
That was the only part of his speech that concerned (but didn’t bother) me. I’m happy to hear we may be taking back the Panama Canal, though according to the Left people on my social media, the Panamanian people are going to fight us tooth and nail and we should think hard before we “commit our military to a fight they can’t win.” I’m not sure they understand how tiny Panama is. I mean, the population of the entire country is less than half of the population of New York City… If we want it, we’ll take it back. I’d just like to make sure we dot our “i’s” and cross our “t’s” before we do so, is all. I adore classifying Mexican drug cartels as terrorists, because it opens up so many amazing channels for getting rid of them. I have visions of them at Guantanamo Bay…
Basically, right now the Left is melting down over “us going to war” and the dismantling of all Biden’s “hard work” (their words, not mine). They’re concerned that we’ll be putting people into concentration camps. They’re absolutely 100% certain that Musk did a Nazi salute last night, and that Trump’s preparing ovens as we speak. Still, the rhetoric from the Left is not as extreme or panicky as it was during the first time Trump got in. I think in the back of their minds, they know that they’re not going to be damaged if they stay within the law. They worry the laws will be changed under them (and that’s a valid concern, especially since that’s what they were doing for the last four years). They’ll survive.
On February 3, I begin my weekly posts of “which of these freedoms have you lost since Trump became president?” I intend to do them pretty much every week, or possibly every 2 weeks. I don’t want them to be ignored. I want them to be dreaded, because they can’t come up with anything to point at. What’s most important is, I don’t think they understand that if they DO lose a right, and can vocalize it to me, I will bring it up to others and we’ll discuss it and see if a) it’s real and b) it’s moral/right/lawful. If it’s real and it’s wrong on some level, we’ll talk to congress critters and see what needs doing. The Left doesn’t expect that. But it’s literally the RIGHT thing to do.
I’m happy Trump is in. I think we’re going to have a bit of a bumpy ride for a bit, but it helps that many of the Left are self censoring and self isolating themselves into Left only camps. As people abandon Facebook and Instagram, it becomes more polite, less angry, and more educational. We’ll see how it goes. Any bets on how long it takes for BlueSky to implode?
8 responses to “Inauguration Blues”
Re BlueSky … Depends on their business model. Do they rely on subscription or ad revenue? Or are they backed by a Progressive Daddy Warbucks?
If the latter, they can last a long time, especially if they have a stable platform that doesn’t need much routine maintenance and updating (aka low labor costs).
I was talking more about people censuring other people because their politics are different (ie “evil”). I’ll admit, I haven’t even looked at BlueSky. I’m just not interested, at least right now.
It’s amazing how often Left horror stories make sense if you treat them as instances of projection.
Take antisemitism, for example. The Left has long and loudly called Trump an antisemite. Never mind that one of his daughters converted not just to Judaism but Orthodox Judaism, and his son-in-law is Orthodox. Never mind that he complied with the law moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. Never mind that he brought about the Abraham Accords. But as projection (of the well known Leftist antisemitism) it makes sense.
Similarly, calling Trump anti-gay. He had openly gay cabinet members in his last administration, and has nominated several for his new one. Not just sinecure ones filled by affirmative action incompetents as Biden did, but top positions (Treasury).
I caught that, too. Projection is an interesting thing.
A human trait (I want to say it is a trait of the left, but the folks on the right are just as bad) is to fly off the handle and assume the worst. You are seeing it here.
There is nothing Trump can do that extends beyond the Executive Branch of the US Government without Bills passed by Congress. Nothing. His EOs impact the Executive Branch ONLY. If you want to identify by any of the 72 other genders, please do so. (How many did FB have at their peak?) Nothing and no one will stop you. But, when it comes time to fill out a Federal form, you will likely have three choices. Male, Female, and I choose not to say.
The biggest change from this EO is it stops the feds from spending on Transgender issues. No more special signage. No more special restrooms. No more cowtowing to crybullies.
Go ahead. Be transgender. Be gay. Be any of the other letters. The Feds no longer care. Which, is the way it should be.
I admit, I do like “family bathrooms.” I got used to them when I lived in Canada, and found them to be useful. They are gender neutral, and usually have a place for mom to breastfeed or dad to change a diaper, or for a couple to go in together so he can hold her stuff while she pees. I found them ridiculously useful. So if we have a multi-purpose bathroom, I’m all for that.
Honestly, I don’t even care if there’s a “genderless” bathroom in public spaces. I’ve never really “gotten” the purpose of separating genders in bathrooms. Just put up stalls and let everyone pee in private. I hated being a young mom with a male kid who was just old enough to not want to go into the “girl’s bathroom” with me. It sucked. I didn’t want to leave him alone, but I also didn’t want to embarrass him by taking him in with me. So many options. But I do want women’s only spaces (and frankly, that means we *must* have men’s only spaces). I don’t care if a trans person comes in who’s indistinguishable from a bio woman; I just don’t want bearded guys coming in.
Being bisexual or sapiosexual or however you want to call it (I believe “the kids” consider me queer these days but whatever), I’ve always been a champion of marriage and life equality. But I’m not seeing equality right now. I’m seeing people on the ultra left demanding special treatment because they are not normal. That’s not how it should work. If two (or more) consenting adults want to get married, they should be allowed to do so. But they shouldn’t get a special license because they’re gay, or have to do anything out of the ordinary. Marriage is marriage (and divorce is divorce, just sayin’), and the sex and genders of those involved is none of my business. Consensuality is the only thing that’s my business.
Allyson, think of what happened like a building project.
During the Obama Administration, the Progressives did the site prep and foundation work. We, the People, did not/could not stop the degradation of American Constitutional governance and Society. Until Donald Trump ran for office and gave us a voice and belief that We could regain our Government and Society. The Progressives used every tool they had to try and defeat our agenda.
Their (Progressive) project had come to an immediate stop; site work done, foundation built and now sitting stopped. A vacant project, sitting under the cold and snow and mud of a winter day. Every tool in the toolbox, including sabotage in the halls of governance employed against We, the People to ram the Progressive Agenda down our throat. Still, We resisted, having experienced a renisance of the America we once knew.
They finally resorted to the last tool they had before using brute force (as Ron Brown requoted from Chairman Mao, “All power comes from the barrel of a gun.”), rampant election fraud. Joey Biden was installed and now they could restart the building project.
This time, they built the building as fast as they could, knowing that We, the People rejected them once before; only speed and containment would move their Agenda forward. We knew this and tried to use the Ballot Box to slow it down and stop it before it was too late. We were barely successful. The Building was faulty as shortcuts were taken to ensure Progressive rule. Progressives forgot that revolutionary change is rarely accepted and causes resentment; evolutionary change is accepted and embraced.
Then,We aligned behind Donald Trump again. We found our courage and power to restore the America We believe in. We know We can prevail and will hold our Politicritters accountable. They know it.
Progressives are not the largest group in our American population. They know that. We, the People; a center-right group are the majority. We can regain and hold our Government and Society.
I like to point out the party that was always crowing about “womens rights”, “empowerment of women “ “ women don’t need a man” are now the party screaming men have a right to compete in WOMENS sports..