Liberty Doll Update

Hey folks, quick update. Current estimate for power is 10/8. We were better prepared than a lot of other folks so we’re doing okay. There are rumors of looting going on and fights over gas. I haven’t seen any, though I also haven’t ventured far from home and only went out once for diapers. Areas around us are totally flooded out but we’re on higher ground and not having to worry about that.

Please folks, check your supplies and be prepared! This has definitely opened our eyes to a couple of weak spots in our preps.

Hope everyone is safe.
— Liberty Doll

This is from a screenshot from Facebook or X. I have not verified the source, but it sounds like her.


4 responses to “Liberty Doll Update”

  1. curby Avatar

    who is Liberty Doll? glad to see people not being stupid during this …

    1. is a YouTube creator that has morphed from an MA can’t take it anymore into a strong 2A advocate. She is on my must-watch list of 2A YouTubers.

      She isn’t always the first to report, she almost always has good information.

  2. curby Avatar

    cool, I will check her out

  3. curby Avatar

    cool, I will check her out

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