Silhouette of Trump standing in front of his building

The Positive Campaign

A long time ago, I said that if I could find a politician who managed to have a positive campaign rather than a smear one, I would support him. That’s part of why I supported Gary Johnson when he was running (though it was a lot more in depth than that). But yesterday I saw something that made me really stop and listen. I saw this:


A super shocking trump campaign promo!!!!#trump2024 #camping #election #political #american

♬ original sound – Byte bulletin

This is raw. It’s different than some of his past stuff. It’s … It feels more real.

I know, feels aren’t what the Right cares about. But this was a GOOD political ad. This one actually spoke to me. Yes, the world is shite. The Institution (the swamp, if you will) has protected itself at the cost of the citizens of the country. Don’t give up, keep doing what’s right, never quit. “They’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you. I’m just standing in their way.” Damn.

I still don’t like the guy. He makes my hackles rise. But I know he’s not the demon the Left paint him as. I can mourn the fact that better candidates didn’t get in, and still know that he’s better than Biden by far. I cannot deny that this video, the words he said, paint a much different picture than the stuff he posted the first time around. Maybe he has learned. Maybe he will be better this time.

Lots of maybes.


9 responses to “The Positive Campaign”

  1. K9 Operator Avatar
    K9 Operator

    Maybe O’Biden’s puppet masters won’t be as bad in the next four years as they have been in the first four (doubtful). Maybe he can actually string a cogent thought together on his own without a puppet master (also doubtful). Maybe Biden actually has the best interest of the American people at heart (no evidence of that on record). Maybe the Leftists don’t really want to eliminate anyone that disagrees with them or their utopian policies (their own words and writings would seem to prove otherwise). Yes there is an abundance of “Maybe” questions to be pondered.

    I and anyone else that has been cognitively functional for the past eight years should be able to evaluate the four years of Trump’s Presidency compared to the last three and a half years of Biden’s term, disregarding rhetoric and media induced hyperbole it’s a pretty easy comparison. I believe Trump’s term was a far superior outcome for the average American than anything we have seen since he left office. Critical thinking is an actual thing.

    1. What does this have to do with my post?

  2. Firehand Avatar

    He wasn’t my guy in 2016, for one thing I thought the way he treated Ted Cruz and family was disgusting. But, it came to a vote for him, who had possibilities and seemed to actually care about the country, or Hillary Clinton… that was an easy decision.

    Now? Biden’s been a crook for decades, and a liar, and I don’t think really gives a damn about the country. Trump still has problems, but in a choice between the two?
    And that “I’m just in the way” I think is true.

    Throw in, I’m watching people I’ve known and others who insist Biden’s a genius, a wonderful Pres., and those who admit the problems insist ‘better a brain-damaged Biden that the Bad Orange Man!’

    Lord, it’s a mess. But Trump actually speaks of hopes and dreams for the country, and that means a lot.

  3. Tantiv V Avatar
    Tantiv V

    The best phrase I’ve heard and am using… “Trump may not be my friend but Biden is actively my enemy. “

  4. SJ_VB Avatar

    Do the incessant propaganda masquerading as news, much of the MSM audience hates a man and a reality that doesn’t exist.

  5. Wow. That’s the kind of ad that gets people voting FOR someone, and not just AGAINST the other guy.

    I approve.

    1. I know, right? It’s an awesome ad. Some of the other new ones that have recently come out, with Vance in them and such, are also positive. They may poke at policy decisions but they don’t seem to be descending into personal attacks. I’m ALL for that! Positivity really does win a lot of people over.

  6. CBMTTek Avatar

    Want to be even more impressed?
    Watch, or better yet read the transcript of Trump’s 2017 inauguration speech.

    That man has a laundry list of flaws, but he really does love this country and all it’s residents. He is the small government, personal freedom candidate.

    Despite his flaws.

  7. BobF Avatar

    I’ve worked directly for those who were real pros but I wouldn’t have a beer with them, and I’ve worked for those who were terrible leaders/managers but I’d sit with them at the pub. Learned to separate the personality from the performance. I’ll not have a beer with Trump, but I’ll vote for him based on performance.