Category: Skills

  • Prepping – Shelter

    Prepping – Shelter

    There are lots of different types of shelter that we have access to. As with most things “prepper” related, everyone has a couple of opinions, and many of them clash. Basically, the idea is that you should have access to some kind of shelter in the first three hours of an emergency. It’s a good…



    I started my computer career with the command line, or as it is known today, the CLI. Almost everything I do is done via CLI. I’ve had clients that had hosts in China, Ukraine, and London. They all look the same to me because they are just another window next to the other windows on…

  • The Weekly Feast – Yom Kippur Knishes

    The Weekly Feast – Yom Kippur Knishes

    I preface this by saying that I’m not Jewish. However, having dated several Jews over the years, I can tell you that the food is INCREDIBLE. Since Yom Kippur began on Friday at sundown, I thought this delicious parve (meaning it can be eaten any time by Jews, provided they aren’t fasting) dish would be…

  • Prepping – Starting a Fire

    Prepping – Starting a Fire

    I’ve talked about having access to fire in the past, but I haven’t really gotten in depth about how to start one. I figured that was a decent place to go, this Friday, what with all the storm disaster stuff going on. This is a really complex topic, and I’m going to include some videos…

  • The Weekly Feast – Turkey Noodle Soup

    The Weekly Feast – Turkey Noodle Soup

    That nip in the evening air, the scent of rain in the distance, and the sound of falling leaves in the forest behind the house all call to me that it’s soup weather! My favorite part about soup is that you can make pretty much anything into soup if you really want to. My turkey…

  • Filler

    I’m exhausted. I’ve been pulling fiber for the last two days. All part of an infrastructure upgrade. Normally, pulling cable in a modern datacenter is pretty easy. This is not a modern datacenter. The original cable runs were CAT6 with RJ45 connectors. When the cables were installed, the installation had to be nondestructive. No holes…

  • Prepping – After a Flood

    Prepping – After a Flood

    It seems appropriate to talk about what to do after a flood, right now. With all the devastation down in the southern states, it’s on all our minds. First and foremost, if you’re in the path of something and you know about it, listen to locals. If you’re asked to evacuate, DO SO. The people…

  • The Weekly Feast – Stuffed Squash With Sausage

    The Weekly Feast – Stuffed Squash With Sausage

    There are foods that I consider to be autumn foods. Squash, pumpkin, sage sausage, and soups in general come to mind. I love cooking seasonal foods, partly because it tends to be a cheaper way of eating, and partly because there’s just something scrumptious about picking up a squash that was in a field 2…

  • Networking, interrelationships

    Part of the task of making a High Availability system is to make sure there is no single point of failure. To this end, everything is supposed to be redundant. So let’s take the office infrastructure as a starting point. We need to have multiple compute nodes and multiple data storage systems. Every compute node…

  • Prepping – Three Weeks Without Food

    Prepping – Three Weeks Without Food

    I’m all about prepping canned and dehydrated food in advance of any emergency. I’m more interested in learning to garden than in having 20 years of supplies on hand. My goal is to have enough food (“food” being defined as the proper ratio of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins to keep a person not just alive,…