Category: Music

  • Tuesday Tunes – GO VOTE!

    From the north to the south, from the east to the west, we all need to vote. North South FELLOW CITIZENS: I am very greatly rejoiced to find that an occasion has occurred so pleasurable that the people cannot restrain themselves. [Cheers.] I suppose that arrangements are being made for some sort of a formal…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    I love the sound of this song. Here is the movie version: And a very pure version:

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    I’ve been listening to the Andrew Sisters for years. Their voices are wonderful. In all of those years, I had never actually seen them in film. Last night, this song showed up in my play list. I was thinking about it, how our culture has changed. “Give me some skin” would get me in trouble…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    And the original, which I like better. I’m the guy that can listen to the same singer singing the same song and hear that they are different. And it drives me bonkers. So the original is the only version that I actually like. This is part of my SSS series. And for our friends in…

  • The 500 Year Flood

    The 500 Year Flood   @adampopemusic “Five Hundred Year Flood” 🙏 #hurricanehelene #flood #blueridgemountains #appalachia #smokymountainstennessee #folkmusic #folksong #flood ♬ original sound – Adam Pope Music Go and listen. It’s not available anywhere but TikTok right now because the guy (Adam Pope) wrote it and recorded it there. He had no idea it would take off. It’s *good*.…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    Ally here, stepping in for Chris for a change. I ran across this on TikTok, and then went and found it on YouTube to get the full effect. I found myself tearing up while watching and listening. I’m impressed. The song itself is amazing. The video is… yeah. I’d love to see Trump walk into…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    From the YouTube description: The following are a series of war correspondence films from the Simba Rebellion in the Congo in 1964/65 set to the tune of “Roland the Thompson Gunner” by Warren Zevon. The film features a platoon of mercenaries from Europe conducting a platoon attack on the town of Boende in the Cong.…