Category: Rant
Why Do They Start By Wanting to Break the Law?
I’ve been advocating for the Right of The People to keep and bear arms for decades now. After the Sandy Hook shooting, I was in a discussion with somebody on Google+. They were attempting to come up with a “common-sense gun safety laws”. After a couple of days going back and forth, they asked “Well,…
Blood Vultures
A mentally troubled kid decided to take his AR-15 to school and start shooting. The good news is that there was an SRO on site. This SRO ran to the sound of gun fire. The cowardly asshole shooter gave up as soon as a good guy with a gun arrived. The bad news is that…
Crowd Measuring Contest
My social feeds are full of people claiming that Trump’s campaign is imploding. That Kamala’s got the biggest crowds ever. That Vance has weird interactions with people. But the one thing that I keep seeing over and over again is crowd size claims. I’ve been aware of crowd size estimates since Glenn Beck held his…
The Education Industry
My wife is a teacher. She is a darn good teacher. She has a couple of masters, is working on another, besides having a bachelors. She is constantly doing continuing education classes. For years, I would talk about The Teachers Union in a negative light. She took that as a personal attack because she is…
The Fourth Circuit Be Clowns Itself, Again
An interesting thing is happening within the circuit courts, those judges who are tired of seeing the majority rubber stamp any infringement a state wants, are speaking out. They are taking their lead from Thomas, Van Dyke and others who have spoken up to shed light on just how badly these rogue judges are behaving.…
Right now, there are literally hundreds of women on FaceBook and other social media that are telling “all women” that we are being treated like livestock. I can’t make this shit up, folks. Yes, absolutely. As a female human being in America, I am currently: being held in a cage restricted from movement bred against…
No Means No
Last week, a friend of mine who lives in London, England, posted the above image. The friend is someone I’ve known for some 30 years, maybe longer, though we’ve never met face to face. She works as a “lay therapist,” which is someone who tries to help when medical help is lacking due to there…
Being Presidential
I’ve talked in the past about how I didn’t feel that Trump was “presidential” in his first election bid and term. I stand by that. He lost his temper a number of times, was rude and unruly, and generally was not the sort of person I wanted to hold up proudly as “my country’s leader.”…