Category: Rant

  • The Games People Play

    In talking to my wife this morning, she was telling me how angry she got reading about Judge Easterbrook and Illinois’ continual attack on the Second Amendment. She couldn’t understand why they kept doing what they were doing. There is no need to delve into the “whys” of it, it is not relevant. The only…

  • Lies, Damn Lie, and Lawyer Speak

    For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been working with a great group of people at the CourtListener site. They are one of a number of projects that are supported by the Free Law Project. All of this started because I asked for help uploading a document I had paid for. The project lead helped…

  • If your cause is just, why do you cheat? Oregon

    Last year the people of Oregon, by a bare majority, voted in a truck load of infringements. These included permit to purchase, gun registries, magazine bans, and many other Bruen FU’s. This was Measure 114. The measure was so bad that even the political class didn’t want it to go into effect immediately. It did.…

  • Did the court get it right in Boland v. Bonta?

    When looking at Boland v. Bonta, the “Unsafe Handgun Act” out of California, it was nice that the judge “got it right”. Unfortunately the reasoning that he had in his opinion niggled at me. There was something wrong. It should have been this hard. Then Mark Smith applied the clue-by-four and it made things obvious.…

  • Court Case Timelines

    We are the children of the “right now” age. I am old. I remember my mother going to the Grayhound bus depot and paying them to deliver two huge boxes to her hometown in the midwest. This was the only way to get a package that big that far in a reasonable amount of time.…

  • Catch all

    I’m tired. We got our power back after around 30-36 hours. We did not suffer but we had to work a bit harder than normal. I was responsible for clearing a 1/4 mile of driveway that had snow ranging from 30cm to nearly 90cm deep. The first pass was a pain because our snowblower is…

  • Trying to understand liars

    I wasn’t going to write about this but I was trying to understand citations and what was going on. The footnote is: Kleck Rebuttal Report, ¶¶7,11 and Deposition of Gary Kleck in Oregon Firearms Federation, Inc., et al., v. Brown, et al., taken on January 25, 2023, 20:22-21:3. — Supplemental Sur-Rebuttal Expert Report of Lucy…

  • How I write analysis posts

    B.L.U.F. Fluff piece because I can’t stand reading another word of Bonta’s so called “experts” Through one of my feeds I get a notice of some case that is happening and interesting. If I’m very lucky there will be a link to that case in some way. Most of the time there is not. If…