Category: Rant

  • The Fourth Circuit Be Clowns Itself, Again

    The Fourth Circuit Be Clowns Itself, Again

    An interesting thing is happening within the circuit courts, those judges who are tired of seeing the majority rubber stamp any infringement a state wants, are speaking out. They are taking their lead from Thomas, Van Dyke and others who have spoken up to shed light on just how badly these rogue judges are behaving.…

  • Livestock


    Right now, there are literally hundreds of women on FaceBook and other social media that are telling “all women” that we are being treated like livestock. I can’t make this shit up, folks. Yes, absolutely. As a female human being in America, I am currently: being held in a cage restricted from movement bred against…

  • No Means No

    No Means No

    Last week, a friend of mine who lives in London, England, posted the above image. The friend is someone I’ve known for some 30 years, maybe longer, though we’ve never met face to face. She works as a “lay therapist,” which is someone who tries to help when medical help is lacking due to there…

  • Being Presidential

    I’ve talked in the past about how I didn’t feel that Trump was “presidential” in his first election bid and term. I stand by that. He lost his temper a number of times, was rude and unruly, and generally was not the sort of person I wanted to hold up proudly as “my country’s leader.”…

  • Reproductive Health Care

    Reproductive Health Care

    I just do not get it. At least that’s what I keep saying. That isn’t as true as it used to be, but I still don’t thoroughly understand it. We run risk assessments all the time. Most people do a shitty job of it. They conflate probability of occurring with the amount put at risk.…

  • Why is Maduro Safe?

    Why is Maduro Safe?

    From Miguel’s substack, with permission. At least from the regular Venezuelans. At this writing, the 2024 presidential elections in Venezuela are in the can and Maduro seems to have “secured” his re-election. Protest about the fraud committed did happen, and the government was swift arresting over 1,500 so far who are slotted to go to…

  • Communism == Jealousy

    Communism == Jealousy

    If you are reading this, you are part of the 1% richest people in the world. I can confidently say that because there are so many people living in object poverty. Not poverty as defined by the government, but actual poverty. The government likes to define poverty in relative terms. This means that when you…

  • When the State wants more weasel words

    When the State wants more weasel words

    The state is constantly looking for weasel words in Supreme Court opinions to further their arrogant subjugation of their subjects. We see this in how they misconstrued the language of to claim that the Second Amendment only protects militias. We see this when they misconstrue to mean that “presumptively constitutional” means that any infringement is…

  • Who are you going to believe?

    Who are you going to believe?

    Me or your lying eyes? For the last four years, the only time I heard about Kamala was when she had messed up, again. It is a feature of her actions, she messes up. She was assigned to close the border. Joe used Obama’s term, “Tsar”. As in “Border Tsar.” Today, I’m being told, “Kamala…

  • Cognitive Dissonance

    Cognitive Dissonance

    The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people are averse to inconsistencies within their own minds. It offers one explanation for why people sometimes make an effort to adjust their thinking when their own thoughts, words, or behaviors seem to clash with each other. Ok, but what does that mean? More importantly, what does it…