Category: Rant

  • OMG! They killed an innocent man!

    OMG! They killed an innocent man!

    This story showed up in my feeds. I took note of it because, of course, they blamed the death of this poor black man on the conservative Supreme Court justices. The three liberals, would have granted the stay, but the six justices that insist on following the law did not. So what is the actual…

  • Tim Walz Throws his Support Behind Trump

    Tim Walz Throws his Support Behind Trump

    “We can’t afford… We can’t afford… four more years of this” Every so often the masks slip and they tell the truth. Note, the ellipsis in the quote are him pausing. Not anything being cut out.

  • Operation Grim Beeper

    Operation Grim Beeper

    Years ago, my lady discovered that one of my co-workers was plagiarizing content. She brought it to my attention. I reported it to the owner of the company. I cc’ed my boss to keep her in the loop. When I arrived at work that day, my boss was waiting for me, took me to a…

  • Filler–


    I’m trying to export a video from OpenShot-community, and it is refusing to cooperate. Switching to a filler article. Poor Ricky, he thinks that government inspectors keep us safe from bad business practices. Maybe he should ask about all the mandated state inspections of Gosnell’s medical facilities? MSNBC is likely lying by omission and by…

  • And we are at step 2
  • Why Do They Start By Wanting to Break the Law?

    Why Do They Start By Wanting to Break the Law?

    I’ve been advocating for the Right of The People to keep and bear arms for decades now. After the Sandy Hook shooting, I was in a discussion with somebody on Google+. They were attempting to come up with a “common-sense gun safety laws”. After a couple of days going back and forth, they asked “Well,…

  • Blood Vultures

    Blood Vultures

    A mentally troubled kid decided to take his AR-15 to school and start shooting. The good news is that there was an SRO on site. This SRO ran to the sound of gun fire. The cowardly asshole shooter gave up as soon as a good guy with a gun arrived. The bad news is that…

  • Crowd Measuring Contest

    Crowd Measuring Contest

    My social feeds are full of people claiming that Trump’s campaign is imploding. That Kamala’s got the biggest crowds ever. That Vance has weird interactions with people. But the one thing that I keep seeing over and over again is crowd size claims. I’ve been aware of crowd size estimates since Glenn Beck held his…

  • The Education Industry

    The Education Industry

    My wife is a teacher. She is a darn good teacher. She has a couple of masters, is working on another, besides having a bachelors. She is constantly doing continuing education classes. For years, I would talk about The Teachers Union in a negative light. She took that as a personal attack because she is…