Category: From Behind Enemy Lines

  • Thou Shalt Not…

    Thou Shalt Not…

    I’ve been thinking about this one a LOT. I’m very against staff, admin, and above putting anything religious in schools. It too quickly becomes problematic, and it takes away from learning. I have yet to see something like this recent Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law turn out well, short OR long term. Do you want Satanists…

  • The Positive Campaign

    The Positive Campaign

    A long time ago, I said that if I could find a politician who managed to have a positive campaign rather than a smear one, I would support him. That’s part of why I supported Gary Johnson when he was running (though it was a lot more in depth than that). But yesterday I saw…

  • Fears


    There are many things that are important to Conservatives and Republicans that are also important to me. First and Second Amendment issues are prime examples. Freedom to speak, to protest (not riot), to think your own thoughts, to live free, these are fundamentally American things. Other countries, if they have these things at all, have…

  • FBEL – Biden’s Fans…

    I’m going to carefully report from the Left side of the line today. I don’t like it. I’ll officially say I like it a lot less than I like reporting Right stuff to Left friends. It feels a lot more dangerous. Still, here I am, the designated person reporting “from behind enemy lines.” I didn’t…

  • Words to Remember

    Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We…

  • Should He Be Free?

    I talk with AWA a lot about some pretty esoteric topics. Lately, talk has surrounded some of the 2A cases he’s been following, Rahimi in particular. It has really gotten me to thinking. I believe originally (and this is opinion, as I really don’t know and I haven’t looked it up) jails were meant to…

  • Ask Hagar anything

    Hagar has agreed to accept a chance to answer questions from you, our readers. This posting is in the feedback category so anybody can post comments. Questions should be in by Friday, Feb 24th. The comment posting rule still stands, “Don’t be a dick”. Hagar will answer every question you post of her. The answer…